I'm using this npm and it works great. The only thing I'm wondering is how to turn it on and off under the condition of whether a user's mouse is active or inactive on a certain element. So far, the function runs only if the mouse hovers over my element, but it does not go away onMouseLeave. I can't figure out how to disable to trailing mouse under conditions met. Thank you this is awesome!!!
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import avatar from '../../assets/avatar.jpg';
import { fairyDustCursor } from 'cursor-effects';
export default function Avatar() {
let [showAnimation, setShowAnimation] = useState(false);
const toggleAnimation = () => {
function handleCursor() {
if (showAnimation === true) {
fairyDustCursor({ colors: ['#ebfae0'] });
} else if (showAnimation === false) {
// i have tried returning here...setting length and size to 0 but nothings works so far :D
useEffect(() => {
return (
alt="apple memoji of a person with a medium skintone and shoulder length brown hair smiling"
I'm using this npm and it works great. The only thing I'm wondering is how to turn it on and off under the condition of whether a user's mouse is active or inactive on a certain element. So far, the function runs only if the mouse hovers over my element, but it does not go away onMouseLeave. I can't figure out how to disable to trailing mouse under conditions met. Thank you this is awesome!!!