tholo / pytest-flake8

pytest plugin to run flake8
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Using flake8 inflates junit.xml output significantly #13

Closed asfaltboy closed 6 years ago

asfaltboy commented 8 years ago

tl;dr The junit.xml report generated when running with --flake8 is about x130 (130 times) of the report size without --flake8.

When running py.test on a relatively large project without using --flake8 option, the behavior is "ok". py.test collects about 160 "items" from a project of about 160 modules, and outputs a junit.xml report around 1.4MB in size.

In contrast, when running with --flake8 option, on the same source project, py.test collects about 314 items and outputs a report around 190MB in size.

My environment is:

platform darwin -- Python 2.7.11, pytest-3.0.1, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1
django settings: my_project.test_settings (from environment variable)
rootdir: /Users/pavel/project_root, inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: cov-2.3.1, django-2.9.1, flake8-0.6, mock-1.2

My pytest.ini is:

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = my_project.test_settings
flake8-ignore =
    *.py E402 E126 E127 E265 E128 W503 E122 E731 E713 W191 E101 E226 ALL
    **/migrations/** ALL
    **/tests/** E501
flake8-max-line-length = 110
addopts =

Seems that pytest==2.9.2 does not result in the same behaviour. Specifically, if existing compiled pyc/cache files of the modules exist (from the pytest==3.0.1 run), many of the collected items are skipped, resulting in a small xml file. However, if cache/pyc files are cleared, the tests report is again at 190MB. Running without --flake8 again results in a 1.4MB xml.

tholo commented 7 years ago

I would check if maybe you need to add a

norecursedirs = ...

setting to pytest.ini to make sure pytest does not descend into folders it should not?

asfaltboy commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure there's anything I would like to exclude from pytest, just from flake8. And anyhow, why would adding --flake8 extend the collection of tests?

tholo commented 6 years ago

Because it will recurse into e.g. ".tox" folders if you have been running that, and thus add whole instances of standard libraries etc. to the lists in your junit.xml files?

asfaltboy commented 6 years ago

That makes full sense! It's been a while since I had the issue, so no need to keep it open anyway.