thom4parisot / Imager.jsx

A React component for responsive images in desktop and mobile browsers. Featuring Imager.js.
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Update React to 0.14.2 and Switch Reactify to Babelify #14

Open tominated opened 8 years ago

tominated commented 8 years ago

I've updated React to 0.14.2, and removed the deprecated getDOMNode method in favour of the new findDOMNode from ReactDOM. I also switched out Reactify for Babelify, as it seems as if reactify is no longer maintained.

It's probably a good idea to change the major version number also, seeing as React 0.14.2 might cause some breakages.

Thanks in advance!

thom4parisot commented 8 years ago

Excellent thanks! Should we simply state the presets in a browserify.transform field rather than adding an extra file?

tominated commented 8 years ago

Good idea. I had no idea you could specify options for the transfomer in the package.json. I'll make that change now.

thom4parisot commented 8 years ago

@tominated if we did not use browserify the .babelrc or using babel-cli option flags would be our only solutions. At least with the package.json transform field we maintain the transform chainability :-)