thomas-darling / gulp-dependents

Gulp plugin that tracks dependencies between files and adds any files that depend on the files currently in the stream, thus enabling incremental build.
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FATAL ERROR: invalid array length Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory #14

Closed Qsppl closed 9 months ago

Qsppl commented 3 years ago

Added gulp-dependents to gulpfile: image styles() processes index.scss index.cscc imports other files and bootstrap. below is the link to repository and commit Settings:

var config = {

    ".scss": {

        // The sequence of RegExps and/or functions to use when parsing
        // dependency paths from a source file. Each RegExp must have the
        // 'gm' modifier and at least one capture group. Each function must
        // accept a string and return an array of captured strings. The
        // strings captured by each RegExp or function will be passed
        // to the next, thus iteratively reducing the file content to an
        // array of dependency file paths.
        parserSteps: [

            // PLEASE NOTE:
            // The parser steps shown here are only meant as an example to
            // illustrate the concept of the matching pipeline.
            // The default config used for scss files is pure RegExp and
            // reliably supports the full syntax of scss import statements.

            // Match the import statements and capture the text
            // between '@import' and ';'.

            // Split the captured text on ',' to get each path.
            function (text) { return text.split(","); },

            // Match the balanced quotes and capture only the file path.

        // The file name prefixes to try when looking for dependency
        // files, if the syntax does not require them to be specified in
        // dependency statements. This could be e.g. '_', which is often
        // used as a naming convention for mixin files.
        prefixes: ['_'],

        // The file name postfixes to try when looking for dependency
        // files, if the syntax does not require them to be specified in
        // dependency statements. This could be e.g. file name extensions.
        postfixes: ['.scss', '.sass'],

        // The additional base paths to try when looking for dependency
        // files referenced using relative paths.
        basePaths: [],