this pull request adds vd cache checking functionality.
If Caching is disabled for a particular virtual disk on a server ( i.e. set to WriteThrough ), this can lead to serious performance issues on a server with high write-IO, e.g. MySQL. This can happen by either a faulty BBU or by manually setting Cache to WriteThrough.
The check can be deactivated by setting the option --nowritebackok to 1.
If you feel that this option should default to 1, please let me know and i will update the pull request.
this pull request adds vd cache checking functionality. If Caching is disabled for a particular virtual disk on a server ( i.e. set to WriteThrough ), this can lead to serious performance issues on a server with high write-IO, e.g. MySQL. This can happen by either a faulty BBU or by manually setting Cache to WriteThrough.
The check can be deactivated by setting the option --nowritebackok to 1. If you feel that this option should default to 1, please let me know and i will update the pull request.
Regards Simon