thomas-maeder / popeye

Popeye is a chess problem solving and testing software with strong support for fairy chess and heterodox genres. For more information cf. topic "Popeye (chess)" on
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Einstein + Sentinelles bug #205

Open vlaicu opened 8 years ago

vlaicu commented 8 years ago

Popeye 4.73 still allows the appearance of sentinelles on the 1st / 8th ranks when Sentinelles is combined with Einstein.

thomas-maeder commented 8 years ago

Since there is no pawn promotion in Einstein Chess, it would be a bug not to have sentinelles appear on the 8th rank.

As for the 1st rank, it's discussable. The motivation for not having them without Einstein Chess is that non-sentinelle pawns don't appear on the 1st rank. But they do in Einstein Chess. So having sentinelles on the 1st rank in Einstein Chess is certainly not a bug.


vlaicu commented 8 years ago

I am not speaking about Einstein here, but Sentinelles. In Sentinelles, the appearance of pawns on 1st/8th ranks is clearly forbidden.

If you want to allow the pawns appearance on 1st/8th ranks, then you can create a new condition called Universal Sentinelles,

BjornEnemark commented 8 years ago

On Sep 14 I wrote directly to you: In Popeye 4.73 the combination of Reverse Einstein and Sentinelles is not handled correctly. Sentinelles are – incorrectly – left at the 1st and 8th row. I also supplied an example.

So I fully agree with Vlaicu. In Sentinelles pawns are by definition not left on the 1st and 8th rank. Allowing pawns to be left there, based on an assumption on why they were not allowed, is pure speculation. We had a somewhat similar discussion about Einstein + Circe Parrain. You would not accept that pawns moved to the 8th rank because of Parrain could promote. You said: There are no promotions in Einstein! But I think you should look at the conditions one by one.