Closed JasonGross closed 8 months ago
I can add
def sanitize(ch):
if ch in "[]{}= ": return f"_{ord(ch):x}"
# if not ascii, return hex
if ord(ch) > 127: return f"_{ord(ch):x}"
# if not printable, return hex
if not ch.isprintable(): return f"_{ord(ch):x}"
return ch
t["name"] = "".join(sanitize(ch) for ch in t["name"])
to make the code work, so this is a reasonable starting point. (Note that []
and unicode characters result in generic error, it seems, I expect {}
to break things but haven't tested, and =
truncates the column name when looking it up.)
You're right ! There is still some issue in the legend, which is also replaced by the sanitized code, but after some handmaid cleaning, we get a working LaTeX code !
\addplot+ [only marks, mark=*, mark options={solid, fill=blue, color=blue}] table[y=(W<sub>pos</sub>_5b0_5d_20-_20_1d53c<sub>dim_3d0</sub>W<sub>pos</sub>)W<sub>V</sub>W<sub>O</sub>W<sub>U</sub>] {\dataZ};
\addlegendentry{$(W^{pos}_0 - \mathbb{E}^{dim=0}W^{pos})W^{V}W^{O}W^{U}$}
\addplot+ [only marks, mark=*, mark options={solid, fill=red, color=red}] table[y=(W<sub>pos</sub>_5b1_5d_20-_20_1d53c<sub>dim_3d0</sub>W<sub>pos</sub>)W<sub>V</sub>W<sub>O</sub>W<sub>U</sub>] {\dataZ};
\addlegendentry{$(W^{pos}_1 - \mathbb{E}^{dim=0}W^{pos})W^{V}W^{O}W^{U}$}
\addplot+ [only marks, mark=*, mark options={solid, fill=green, color=green}] table[y=(W<sub>pos</sub>_5b2_5d_20-_20_1d53c<sub>dim_3d0</sub>W<sub>pos</sub>)W<sub>V</sub>W<sub>O</sub>W<sub>U</sub>] {\dataZ};
\addlegendentry{$(W^{pos}_2 - \mathbb{E}^{dim=0}W^{pos})W^{V}W^{O}W^{U}$}
\addplot+ [only marks, mark=*, mark options={solid, fill=red, color=red}] table[y=(W<sub>pos</sub>_5b3_5d_20-_20_1d53c<sub>dim_3d0</sub>W<sub>pos</sub>)W<sub>V</sub>W<sub>O</sub>W<sub>U</sub>] {\dataZ};
\addlegendentry{$(W^{pos}_3 - \mathbb{E}^{dim=0}W^{pos})W^{V}W^{O}W^{U}$}
Any character in a column name that is not one of a handful of whitelisted ASCII characters should be replaced with something like
or something. Here is a non-working example:python code
```python import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import tikzplotly from numpy import array, float32 args = { "data": [ { "hovertemplate": "=(Wpos[0] - 𝔼dim=0Wpos)WVWOWUoutput logit token=%{x}
input token=%{y}
output logit token=%{x}
input token=%{y}
output logit token=%{x}
input token=%{y}
output logit token=%{x}
input token=%{y}
LaTeX output
```latex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{pgfplots} \pgfplotsset{compat=newest} \begin{document} % This file was created with tikzplotly version 0.1.1. \pgfplotstableread{data0 (Wpos[0]_-_𝔼dim=0Wpos)WVWOWU (Wpos[1]_-_𝔼dim=0Wpos)WVWOWU (Wpos[2]_-_𝔼dim=0Wpos)WVWOWU (Wpos[3]_-_𝔼dim=0Wpos)WVWOWU 0 -0.02036323 -0.33489266 0.22808522 0.12717074 1 0.28388417 -0.559567 0.22537012 0.05031281 2 0.18927571 -0.29826388 -0.06354575 0.17253397 3 0.12493635 -0.6002149 0.40831771 0.06696074 4 0.11766034 -0.20913883 0.12105861 -0.02957997 }\dataZ \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis} \addplot+ [only marks, mark=*, mark options={solid, fill=636efa, color=636efa}] table[y=(Wpos[0]_-_𝔼dim=0Wpos)WVWOWU] {\dataZ}; \addlegendentry{(Wpos[0] - 𝔼dim=0Wpos)WVWOWU} \addplot+ [only marks, mark=*, mark options={solid, fill=EF553B, color=EF553B}] table[y=(Wpos[1]_-_𝔼dim=0Wpos)WVWOWU] {\dataZ}; \addlegendentry{(Wpos[1] - 𝔼dim=0Wpos)WVWOWU} \addplot+ [only marks, mark=*, mark options={solid, fill=00cc96, color=00cc96}] table[y=(Wpos[2]_-_𝔼dim=0Wpos)WVWOWU] {\dataZ}; \addlegendentry{(Wpos[2] - 𝔼dim=0Wpos)WVWOWU} \addplot+ [only marks, mark=*, mark options={solid, fill=ab63fa, color=ab63fa}] table[y=(Wpos[3]_-_𝔼dim=0Wpos)WVWOWU] {\dataZ}; \addlegendentry{(Wpos[3] - 𝔼dim=0Wpos)WVWOWU} \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document} ```Error message from pdflatex: