// Server starts and maintains the http server until all exchanges are matched
// TODO change to using test server https://pkg.go.dev/net/http/httptest#Server
func Server(srv *http.Server, el *ExchangeList) {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if !el.handle(w, r) {
log.Printf("MOCK SRV:Did not match the next expected exchange pattern:\n")
log.Printf("MOCK SRV:URI: %s\n", r.RequestURI)
log.Printf("MOCK SRV:Key: %s\n", r.FormValue("key"))
log.Printf("MOCK SRV:Ops: %s\n", r.FormValue("data"))
w.Write([]byte("NO MATCH"))
if f, ok := w.(http.Flusher); ok {
log.Printf("MOCK SRV:Flushed\n")
go srv.Shutdown(context.TODO())
log.Printf("MOCK SRV:Srv Shutdown\n")
if len(el.Unmatched()) == 0 {
// Only works if the response.reply() does a Flush() on the http.ResponseWriter,
// otherwise it will close the server before response is sent
// Run as a go func as being in this handler and shutting down the server is self-blocking
go srv.Shutdown(context.TODO())
log.Printf("MOCK SRV:Srv Shutdown\n")
otherwise it will close the server before response is sent
Run as a go func as being in this handler and shutting down the server is self-blocking