thomasgermain / pymultiMATIC

Python interface with Vaillant multiMATIC
MIT License
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Reports of Zone FlowTemperatur #45

Closed h4de5 closed 3 years ago

h4de5 commented 3 years ago


is it possible to report the flowtemperatur of a zone? it seems I can only get the systems "vorlauf temperatur" which is higher than what the actual flowtemperature for the zone is: api:

reports=[Report(id='FlowTemperatureVF1', value=33.8, name='Vorlauftemperatur VF1', unit='°C', device_id='Control_SYS_MultiMatic', device_name='multiMATIC') .. ]

on the multimatic: DSC_4158-cr

if this is possible, it would be great to forward that status into HA as well!

best regards

thomasgermain commented 3 years ago


You already have a entity with an id like this: sensor.vaillant_flowtemperaturevf1 right ? (As far as I know, this is the hot water temperature)

Actually, most of the data in vrc700 are not in the API, so I can't get them included into HA. Does it appear on the mobile app ?

h4de5 commented 3 years ago

Mmh. Hotwater i see. That would make sense. Even though i don't know when this information would be helpful?

Unfortunately no, it's not in the app either.

thomasgermain commented 3 years ago

If this is not in the app, I can't do anything about that unfortunately 😞

Mmh. Hotwater i see. That would make sense. Even though i don't know when this information would be helpful?

You mean the hotwater temperature (sensor.vaillant_flowtemperaturevf1) ? This is used behind de the scene by the pymultimatic connector to have a complete hot water object (current temperature, time program, target temperature, etc.).

On HA level, all data coming from live reports are mapped to a sensor.

h4de5 commented 3 years ago

I see. I had hoped to only activate the heat pump if a room thermostat is asking for heat and the flowtemperatur is below a certain value. But for this i would need that other sensor.

Too bad :( Anyways thanks again for the rest help!