thomasgermain / pymultiMATIC

Python interface with Vaillant multiMATIC
MIT License
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Don't require WiFi MAC #68

Closed dupondje closed 3 years ago

dupondje commented 3 years ago


I have a VR900, but it does not work with Home Assistant. Logs give me: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/homeassistant/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymultimatic/", line 738, in _validate_schema return schema.validate(response) File "/opt/homeassistant/lib/python3.8/site-packages/", line 400, in validate raise SchemaError([message] +, [e.format(data) if e else None] + x.errors) schema.SchemaError: Key 'body' error: Key 'facilitiesList' error: Or({'serialNumber': And(<class 'str'>, ), 'name': And(<class 'str'>, ), 'responsibleCountryCode': And(<class 'str'>, ), 'supportedBrand': And(<class 'str'>, ), 'firmwareVersion': And(<class 'str'>, ), 'capabilities': [And(<class 'str'>, )], 'networkInformation': {'macAddressEthernet': And(<class 'str'>, ), 'macAddressWifiAccessPoint': And(<class 'str'>, ), 'macAddressWifiClient': And(<class 'str'>, )}}) did not validate {'serialNumber': 'xxxx', 'name': 'xxxxx', 'responsibleCountryCode': 'BE', 'supportedBrand': 'GREEN_BRAND_COMPATIBLE', 'capabilities': ['SYSTEMCONTROL_MULTIMATIC'], 'networkInformation': {'macAddressEthernet': 'xxxx:f6'}, 'firmwareVersion': '331.20.7'} Key 'networkInformation' error: Missing keys: 'macAddressWifiAccessPoint', 'macAddressWifiClient'

But as the VR900 does not have a Wifi built-in, its normal that this data is missing.

Can this be fixed?


thomasgermain commented 3 years ago


well spotted, this will be included in the next release