thomasjsn / powerwalker-python-lib

Python3 library for the PowerWalker PDU RC16 and ATS devices.
MIT License
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Can sequential power-on be configured via this on PDU RC-16A? #3

Open pmj opened 1 year ago

pmj commented 1 year ago

Apologies for the slightly random question - I'm considering getting a PowerWalker PDU RC-16A IEC device. (or probably more, eventually, if this works well) Using the Windows software isn't a realistic option, so thanks for publishing your work on this alternative! I'm still trying to work out if this combination of hardware and software will suit my needs. (or in the software's case, if I can adapt it to suit my needs.)

One of the main features I'm interested in is sequential power-up of the outputs when the PDU first receives input power, for minimising load spikes when power comes back on after an outage. I've been looking through the readme and source, but I don't see any mention of this being configurable via this library. The manual and specs for the device are also unclear on how this feature works.

  1. Is sequential power-on configurable, or is this just a fixed feature which is always enabled on the hardware?
  2. If it's configurable, does one of the existing functions of your library control it?
  3. If it's configurable but not yet via this library, do you have the necessary information about the wire protocol commands required to control it, and could you share that information so I can extend the library?


pmj commented 1 year ago

On further inspection, it looks like output_start_up_delay might be the interval between outlets coming online during sequential start-up. Is that right?

thomasjsn commented 1 year ago

Hello! The PowerWalker PDU has sequential power up enabled by default. That is handled internally in the device. The output_start_up_delay is the delay in seconds between each output turning on.

My library doesn't support changing any memory settings unfortunately. But it could be that you could do this from the Windows application, you'd only need to do it once.

The one second delay worked well enough for me that I didn't pursuit changing it :)