thomasleplus / bookmarklets

Browser bookmarklets.
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Bookmarklet to quickly copy the url address of page web , and auto copy selected text please #54

Open trimechee opened 2 days ago

trimechee commented 2 days ago

Feature description

Hello, I often go to a youtube channel where there are the best short clips of the shows,
and I like to download them quickly and I use the batch downloader of the excellent Media-downloader:

Media dwnloader has an option to detect url addresses in the clipboard and automatically paste them into the batch downloader,

and also has the "presets" option so I can download the audio of the videos with one click,

the problem is I have to select to copy the url address of many youtube videos and it's tiring,

so the dream please is to have a bookmarklet that allows you to quickly copy the url address of the web page please,

I searched and found this boomarklet to share and copy url address, but sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't work, and we hope please that the generous Mr @thomasleplus  will invent a solution to copy quickly the url address of the web page, and maybe even please a bookmarklet to auto copy the text that we select in the web page to avoid clicking on the right mouse button / context menu / copy and without needing to use extensions!

Thank you very much!

bookmarkletsss share share button copy url address url bookmarks bar

extensions : WebOptimizer File centipede 


Jamie Hill Auto-Copy

Anything else?

No response

thomasleplus commented 1 day ago

Hi @trimechee,

Let me see if I understand correctly what you need. I will describe the steps and please correct my mistakes:

  1. You go to the page of a YouTube channel (maybe if you have an example that you can share to make sure that we are talking about the same thing).
  2. You select part of the page containing links to various videos.
  3. You click on the bookmarklet and the bookmarklet finds all the videos URLs in the selected portion of the page and copies all of them in the clipboard.

Does that sound right or am I missing something?

trimechee commented 1 day ago

Hi Mr @thomasleplus, thank you very much for considering my request ! 💯 🥇

I usually go to a youtube channel like the after foot one, or a youtube channel of a tv or radio channel or a youtube channel of documentaries:

I usually point my mouse to the videos I choose to download/right click/copy the url address, and these urls are automatically captured by the media downloader software in which I have activated the option "automatically paste the urls into the clipboard"

but sometimes I download a lot of videos, and it's tiring, boring to right click and check in the context menu that you click on "copy url address",

i prefer to click on the video with the left click, so I can use, hopefully your future bookmarklet to copy the url address

which is displayed in the address bar, I prefer that than having to right click and search in the context menu for the box 'copy url address",

because recently, my laptop broke down, so I went back to using my little old eee pc made in 2012 which has no fan,

so it's difficult for me on a small screen to have to right click and have to search in the context menu of the youtube video for the box copy url address,

i prefer to click on the video that is displayed so I can quickly easily copy the url address of the video via a bookmarklet, then I go back to the videos page of the youtube channel,

also I do search, I often copy text, extracts from web pages to paste them on word, twitter threads ....

and when I select the text, I would like to use a bookmarklet that also copies the selected text because having to right-click each time to choose "copy" is tiring and annoying, I don't like the context menu that includes a lot of boxes, I prefer to copy the selected text via a bookmarklet,

yes I found extensions that allow you to select the url address and auto copy the selected text, but the extension for chrome is not open source, and I use catsxp browser because it is compatible with my windows 7 32-bit os and catsxp uses the latest version of chromium kernel which is rare exceptinnel on windows 7, there is no open source extension for chrome to do that,

and in addition I would like to avoid using extensions to copy the url address and the selected text, because my little pc has no fan and heats up a lot and often when I open some tabs in the web browser, my laptop stops working abruptly, that's why I prefer to avoid using extensions (I already use ublock origin with hundreds of thousands of blockists, video downloader extensions like cat-catch, live stream downloader, (alt) stream recorder from the edge store )

and I prefer to opt for lightweight solutions like bookmarklets that do not heat up my cpu in order to avoid the abrupt shutdown of my laptop!

I found bookmarklets for google keep and pocket, the problem is that some bookmarklets do not automatically add the selected links to google keep and pocket or do not work properly and we hope please that Mr Thomas can improve the operation and security of these bookmarklets please, thank you very much!

i find also this reading dark mode bookmarklet but even i tried , i don't know how add thos bookmarklet to my bookmarks bar :

pocket bookmarkelt

+pocket Bookmarklet javascript:(function()%7BISRIL_H='4b92';PKT_D='';ISRIL_SCRIPT=document.createElement('SCRIPT');ISRIL_SCRIPT.type='text/javascript';ISRIL_SCRIPT.src='http://'+PKT_D+'/b/r.js';document.getElementsByTagName('head')%5B0%5D.appendChild(ISRIL_SCRIPT)%7D)();

Pocket bookmarklet javascript:(function(){var%20e=function(t,n,r,i,s){var%20o=[3201465,5035344,6004026,1939028,4354726,5934764,4150418,3790639,1254730,2794236];var%20i=i||0,u=0,n=n||[],r=r||0,s=s||0;var%20a={'a':97,'b':98,'c':99,'d':100,'e':101,'f':102,'g':103,'h':104,'i':105,'j':106,'k':107,'l':108,'m':109,'n':110,'o':111,'p':112,'q':113,'r':114,'s':115,'t':116,'u':117,'v':118,'w':119,'x':120,'y':121,'z':122,'A':65,'B':66,'C':67,'D':68,'E':69,'F':70,'G':71,'H':72,'I':73,'J':74,'K':75,'L':76,'M':77,'N':78,'O':79,'P':80,'Q':81,'R':82,'S':83,'T':84,'U':85,'V':86,'W':87,'X':88,'Y':89,'Z':90,'0':48,'1':49,'2':50,'3':51,'4':52,'5':53,'6':54,'7':55,'8':56,'9':57,'\/':47,':':58,'?':63,'=':61,'-':45,'_':95,'&':38,'$':36,'!':33,'.':46};if(!s||s==0){t=o[0]+t}for(var%20f=0;f<t.length;f++){var%20l=function(e,t){return%20a[e[t]]?a[e[t]]:e.charCodeAt(t)}(t,f);if(!l1)l=3;var%20c=l(o[i]+lo[u%o.length]);n[r]=(n[r]?n[r]+c:c)+s+u;var%20p=c%(501);if(n[p]){var%20d=n[r];n[r]=n[p];n[p]=d}u+=c;r=r==50?0:r+1;i=i==o.length-1?0:i+1}if(s==322){var%20v='';for(var%20f=0;f<n.length;f++){v+=String.fromCharCode(n[f]%(25*1)+97)}o=function(){};return%20v+'05c853ed81'}else{return%20e(u+'',n,r,i,s+1)}};var%20t=document,n=t.location.href,r=t.title;var%20i=e(n);var%20s=t.createElement('script');s.type='text/javascript';s.src=''+i+'&u='+encodeURIComponent(n)+'&t='+encodeURIComponent(r);e=i=function(){};var%20o=t.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||t.documentElement;o.appendChild(s)})() javascript:location.href=''+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&linkname='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)

javascript:var pocketWindow =''+document.location,'PocketAdd','height=300,width=600');setTimeout(function () { pocketWindow.close();}, 5000);

bookmarklets pocket reader mode save bookmarks

GOOGLE KEEP bookmarklet

javascript:void(function(){var w = 430; var h = 600; var t = (screen.height ? (screen.height - h) / 4 : 0); var l = (screen.width ? (screen.width - w) / 2 : 0); var win =,%27google-keep%27,%27width=%27+w+%27,height=%27+h+%27,top=%27+t+%27,left=%27+l+%27,location=no,personalbar=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes%27);})();

javascript:void(function(){var w = 430; var h = 600; var t = (screen.height ? (screen.height - h) / 4 : 0); var l = (screen.width ? (screen.width - w) / 2 : 0); var win ='','google-keep','width='+w+',height='+h+',top='+t+',left='+l+',location=no,personalbar=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');})();

instapaper offers a reliable free bookmarklet that works but I fear, one day in the future,

instapaper will decide to no longer support its bookmarket as pocket did because pocket no longer supports its bookmarklet so we hope please, if it is possible and it does not tire you, an alternative bookmarklet for instapaper please, and in addition this instapaper bookmarklet will remain for reasons of archiving and precaution because maybe one day, instapaer deletes its bookmarklet and we lose the instapaper bookmarklet code so it is a good idea to have a copy of the instapaper bookmarklet code on the github page or Mr Thomas's site :) :

instapaper also has a rare free bookmarklet reader mode Instapaper Text bookmarklet The Instapaper Text bookmarklet converts any compatible web page into a beautifully designed Instapaper view article, right in the browser.

javascript:function iptxt(){var d=document;try{if(!d.body)throw(0);window.location=';}catch(e){alert(%27Please%20wait%20until%20the%20page%20has%20loaded.%27);}}iptxt();void(0)

same thing for raindrop bookmarklet please :

javascript:(function()%7Bvar rspW%3D450%2CrspH%3D600%2CrspL%3DparseInt((screen.width%2F2)-(rspW%2F2))%2CrspT%3DparseInt((screen.height%2F2)-(rspH%2F2))""%2BencodeURIComponent(window.location.href)%2B"%26title%3D"%2BencodeURIComponent(document.title)%2C"raindrop-save"%2C"width%3D"%2BrspW%2B"%2Cheight%3D"%2BrspH%2B"%2Cresizable%3Dyes%2Cscrollbars%3Dyes%2Cstatus%3Dfalse%2Clocation%3Dfalse%2Ctoolbar%3Dfalse%2Cleft%3D"%2BrspL%2B"%2Ctop%3D"%2BrspT)%7D)()

and support translation from other translation platforme like bing translator or yandex translator please :

BING TRANSLATOR traduire traducteur traduction




google translator bookmarklet traduire google traduction traducteur

javascript:var t=((window.getSelection&&window.getSelection())||(document.getSelection&&document.getSelection())||(document.selection&&document.selection.createRange&&document.selection.createRange().text));var e=(document.charset||document.characterSet);if(t!=''){location.href='|auto&tbb=1&ie=%27+e;}else{location.href=%27|auto&tbb=1&ie=%27+e;};

javascript:var t=((window.getSelection&&window.getSelection())||(document.getSelection&&document.getSelection())||(document.selection&&document.selection.createRange&&document.selection.createRange().text));var e=(document.charset||document.characterSet);if(t!=''){location.href=''+t+'&hl=auto&langpair=auto|auto&tbb=1&ie='+e;}else{location.href=''+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&hl=auto&langpair=auto|auto&tbb=1&ie='+e;};



translate to french francais

javascript:%28function %28%29 %7B var console %3D %28function %28%29 %7B var iframe %3D document.getElementById%28%27xxxJanConsole%27%29%3B if %28%21iframe%29 %7B iframe %3D %27iframe%27%29%3B %3D %27xxxJanConsole%27%3B %3D %27none%27%3B %28document.body %7C%7C document.documentElement%29.appendChild%28iframe%29%3B %7D return iframe %26%26 iframe.contentWindow %26%26 iframe.contentWindow.console %7C%7C %7B log%3A function %28%29 %7B%7D %7D%3B %7D%29%28%29%3B var s %3D %28function %28%29 %7B %2F%2A%s%2A%2F%3B %7D%29.toString%28%29 .replace%28%2F%5Efunction%5Cs%2A%5C%28%5Cs%2A%5C%29%5Cs%2A%5C%7B%5Cs%2A%5C%2F%5C%2A%2F%2C %27%27%29 .replace%28%2F%5C%2A%5C%2F%5Cs%2A%5C%3B%3F%5Cs%2A%5C%7D%5Cs%2A%24%2F%2C %27%27%29 .replace%28%2F%5Cu0025s%2F%2C %27%27%29%3B if %28s %3D%3D%3D %27%27%29 %7B function getActiveSelection%28doc%29 %7B if %28arguments.length %3D%3D%3D 0%29 %7B doc %3D document%3B %7D if %28%21doc %7C%7C typeof doc.getSelection %21%3D%3D %27function%27%29 %7B return %27%27%3B %7D if %28%21doc.activeElement%29 %7B return doc.getSelection%28%29 %2B %27%27%3B %7D var activeElement %3D doc.activeElement%3B try %7B if %28 typeof activeElement.contentDocument %3D%3D%3D %27object%27 %26%26 activeElement.contentDocument %21%3D%3D null %29 %7B return getActiveSelection%28activeElement.contentDocument%29%3B %7D %7D catch %28e%29 %7B return doc.getSelection%28%29 %2B %27%27%3B %7D if %28typeof activeElement.value %3D%3D%3D %27string%27%29 %7B if %28activeElement.selectionStart %21%3D%3D activeElement.selectionEnd%29 %7B return activeElement.value.substring%28activeElement.selectionStart%2C activeElement.selectionEnd%29%3B %7D return activeElement.value%3B %7D return doc.getSelection%28%29 %2B %27%27%3B %7D s %3D getActiveSelection%28%29%3B if %28%21s%29 %7B var interLanguageSelectors %3D %5B %27.interlanguage-link a%5Bhref%5D%5Bhreflang%3D"fr"%5D%27%2C %27%23language a%5Bhref%5D%5Bhreflang%3D"fr"%5D%27%2C %27link%5Brel%3D"alternate"%5D%5Bhreflang%3D"fr"%5D%27%2C %27link%5Brel%3D"alternate"%5D%5Bhreflang%5E%3D"fr-"%5D%27%2C %27%5Bid%2A%3D"lang"%5D%5Bid%2A%3D"elect"%5D a%5Bhreflang%3D"fr"%5D%27%2C %27%5Bid%2A%3D"lang"%5D%5Bid%2A%3D"elect"%5D a%5Bhreflang%5E%3D"fr-"%5D%27%2C %27%5Bclass%2A%3D"lang"%5D%5Bclass%2A%3D"elect"%5D a%5Bhreflang%3D"fr"%5D%27%2C %27%5Bclass%2A%3D"lang"%5D%5Bclass%2A%3D"elect"%5D a%5Bhreflang%5E%3D"fr-"%5D%27%2C %27a.language%5Bhref%2A%3D"%2Ffr%2F"%5D%27%2C %27a%5Bhref%5D%5Btitle%24%3D"this page in French"%5D%27%2C %27a%5Bhref%5D%5Btitle%24%3D"cette page en français"%5D%27 %5D%3B for %28var link%2C i %3D 0%3B i < interLanguageSelectors.length%3B i%2B%2B%29 %7B link %3D document.querySelector%28interLanguageSelectors%5Bi%5D%29%3B if %28link%29 %7B console.log%28%27Translate to French%3A found link for selector %27%2C interLanguageSelectors%5Bi%5D%2C %27%3A %27%2C link%29%3B location %3D link.href%3B return%3B %7D %7D var interLanguageXPathSelectors %3D %5B %27%2F%2Fa%5B%40href%5D%5Btranslate%28.%2C "ABCÇDEFGHIJKLMNÑOPQRSTUVWXYZРУСКИЙ"%2C "abcçdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyzруский"%29 %3D "fr"%5D%27%2C %27%2F%2Fa%5B%40href%5D%5Btranslate%28.%2C "ABCÇDEFGHIJKLMNÑOPQRSTUVWXYZРУСКИЙ"%2C "abcçdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyzруский"%29 %3D "français"%5D%27%2C %27%2F%2Fa%5B%40href%5D%5Bcontains%28.%2C "page in French"%29%5D%27%2C %5D%3B for %28i %3D 0%3B i < interLanguageXPathSelectors.length%3B i%2B%2B%29 %7B var xPathResult %3D document.evaluate%28interLanguageXPathSelectors%5Bi%5D%2C document%2C null%2C XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE%2C null%29%3B if %28xPathResult.snapshotLength%29 %7B console.log%28%27Translate to French%3A found link for selector %27%2C interLanguageXPathSelectors%5Bi%5D%2C %27%3A %27%2C xPathResult.snapshotItem%280%29%29%3B location %3D xPathResult.snapshotItem%280%29.href%3B return%3B %7D %7D const wikimediaDomains %3D %5B %5D%3B const possibleWikimediaDomainMatches %3D if %28possibleWikimediaDomainMatches%29 %7B const possibleWikimediaDomain %3D possibleWikimediaDomainMatches%5B2%5D%3B if %28wikimediaDomains.indexOf%28possibleWikimediaDomain%29 > -1 %26%26 %21document.querySelector%28%27%23ca-view%27%29%29 %7B const mobileSubdomain %3D possibleWikimediaDomainMatches%5B1%5D%3B const languageSubdomain %3D %27fr%27.replace%28%2F-.%2A%2F%2C %27%27%29%3B const targetLanguageDomain %3D %60%24%7BlanguageSubdomain%7D.%24%7BmobileSubdomain %3F%3F %27%27%7D%24%7BpossibleWikimediaDomain%7D%60%3B console.log%28%60Translate to French%3A Wikimedia special case%3A going to the corresponding page on the French domain %24%7BtargetLanguageDomain%7D%60%29%3B %3D targetLanguageDomain%3B return%3B %7D %7D s %3D %28location.protocol %2B %27%27%29.match%28%2F%5Ehttp%2F%29 %3F location %2B %27%27 %3A %27%27%3B if %28%21s%29 %7B s %3D prompt%28%27Please enter your text to translate to French%3A%27%29%3B %7D %7D %7D else %7B s %3D s.replace%28%2F%28%5E%7C%5Cs%7C"%29~%28"%7C%5Cs%7C%24%29%2Fg%2C %27%241%27 %2B getSelection%28%29 %2B %27%242%27%29%3B %7D if %28s%29 %7B if %28s.match%28%2F%5E%28https%3F%3A%5C%2F%5C%2F%29%28%5B%5E%5Cs.%5D%2B%5C.%29%2B%5B%5E%5Cs.%5D%2B%5C.%3F%28%5C%2F%5CS%2A%29%3F%24%2F%29%29 %7B const googleTranslateUrl %3D new URL%28s%29%3B const isHttp %3D googleTranslateUrl.protocol %3D%3D%3D %27http%3A%27%3B googleTranslateUrl.protocol %3D %27https%27%3B %3D %27--%27%29.replaceAll%28%27.%27%2C %27-%27%29 %2B if %28isHttp%29 %7B googleTranslateUrl.searchParams.set%28%27_x_tr_sch%27%2C %27http%27%29%3B %7D googleTranslateUrl.searchParams.set%28%27_x_tr_sl%27%2C %27auto%27%29%3B googleTranslateUrl.searchParams.set%28%27_x_tr_tl%27%2C %27fr%27%29%3B location %3D googleTranslateUrl%3B %7D else %7B location %3D %2B encodeURIComponent%28s%29%3B %7D %7D %7D%29%28%29%3B

traduire translate to english anglais

javascript:%28function %28%29 %7B var console %3D %28function %28%29 %7B var iframe %3D document.getElementById%28%27xxxJanConsole%27%29%3B if %28%21iframe%29 %7B iframe %3D %27iframe%27%29%3B %3D %27xxxJanConsole%27%3B %3D %27none%27%3B %28document.body %7C%7C document.documentElement%29.appendChild%28iframe%29%3B %7D return iframe %26%26 iframe.contentWindow %26%26 iframe.contentWindow.console %7C%7C %7B log%3A function %28%29 %7B%7D %7D%3B %7D%29%28%29%3B var s %3D %28function %28%29 %7B %2F%2A%s%2A%2F%3B %7D%29.toString%28%29 .replace%28%2F%5Efunction%5Cs%2A%5C%28%5Cs%2A%5C%29%5Cs%2A%5C%7B%5Cs%2A%5C%2F%5C%2A%2F%2C %27%27%29 .replace%28%2F%5C%2A%5C%2F%5Cs%2A%5C%3B%3F%5Cs%2A%5C%7D%5Cs%2A%24%2F%2C %27%27%29 .replace%28%2F%5Cu0025s%2F%2C %27%27%29%3B if %28s %3D%3D%3D %27%27%29 %7B function getActiveSelection%28doc%29 %7B if %28arguments.length %3D%3D%3D 0%29 %7B doc %3D document%3B %7D if %28%21doc %7C%7C typeof doc.getSelection %21%3D%3D %27function%27%29 %7B return %27%27%3B %7D if %28%21doc.activeElement%29 %7B return doc.getSelection%28%29 %2B %27%27%3B %7D var activeElement %3D doc.activeElement%3B try %7B if %28 typeof activeElement.contentDocument %3D%3D%3D %27object%27 %26%26 activeElement.contentDocument %21%3D%3D null %29 %7B return getActiveSelection%28activeElement.contentDocument%29%3B %7D %7D catch %28e%29 %7B return doc.getSelection%28%29 %2B %27%27%3B %7D if %28typeof activeElement.value %3D%3D%3D %27string%27%29 %7B if %28activeElement.selectionStart %21%3D%3D activeElement.selectionEnd%29 %7B return activeElement.value.substring%28activeElement.selectionStart%2C activeElement.selectionEnd%29%3B %7D return activeElement.value%3B %7D return doc.getSelection%28%29 %2B %27%27%3B %7D s %3D getActiveSelection%28%29%3B if %28%21s%29 %7B var interLanguageSelectors %3D %5B %27.interlanguage-link a%5Bhref%5D%5Bhreflang%3D"en"%5D%27%2C %27%23language a%5Bhref%5D%5Bhreflang%3D"en"%5D%27%2C %27link%5Brel%3D"alternate"%5D%5Bhreflang%3D"en"%5D%27%2C %27link%5Brel%3D"alternate"%5D%5Bhreflang%5E%3D"en-"%5D%27%2C %27%5Bid%2A%3D"lang"%5D%5Bid%2A%3D"elect"%5D a%5Bhreflang%3D"en"%5D%27%2C %27%5Bid%2A%3D"lang"%5D%5Bid%2A%3D"elect"%5D a%5Bhreflang%5E%3D"en-"%5D%27%2C %27%5Bclass%2A%3D"lang"%5D%5Bclass%2A%3D"elect"%5D a%5Bhreflang%3D"en"%5D%27%2C %27%5Bclass%2A%3D"lang"%5D%5Bclass%2A%3D"elect"%5D a%5Bhreflang%5E%3D"en-"%5D%27%2C %27a.language%5Bhref%2A%3D"%2Fen%2F"%5D%27%2C %27a%5Bhref%5D%5Btitle%24%3D"this page in English"%5D%27%2C %27a%5Bhref%5D%5Btitle%24%3D"current page in English"%5D%27 %5D%3B for %28var link%2C i %3D 0%3B i < interLanguageSelectors.length%3B i%2B%2B%29 %7B link %3D document.querySelector%28interLanguageSelectors%5Bi%5D%29%3B if %28link%29 %7B console.log%28%27Translate to English%3A found link for selector %27%2C interLanguageSelectors%5Bi%5D%2C %27%3A %27%2C link%29%3B location %3D link.href%3B return%3B %7D %7D var interLanguageXPathSelectors %3D %5B %27%2F%2Fa%5B%40href%5D%5Btranslate%28.%2C "ABCÇDEFGHIJKLMNÑOPQRSTUVWXYZРУСКИЙ"%2C "abcçdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyzруский"%29 %3D "en"%5D%27%2C %27%2F%2Fa%5B%40href%5D%5Btranslate%28.%2C "ABCÇDEFGHIJKLMNÑOPQRSTUVWXYZРУСКИЙ"%2C "abcçdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyzруский"%29 %3D "english"%5D%27%2C %27%2F%2Fa%5B%40href%5D%5Bcontains%28.%2C "page in English"%29%5D%27%2C %5D%3B for %28i %3D 0%3B i < interLanguageXPathSelectors.length%3B i%2B%2B%29 %7B var xPathResult %3D document.evaluate%28interLanguageXPathSelectors%5Bi%5D%2C document%2C null%2C XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE%2C null%29%3B if %28xPathResult.snapshotLength%29 %7B console.log%28%27Translate to English%3A found link for selector %27%2C interLanguageXPathSelectors%5Bi%5D%2C %27%3A %27%2C xPathResult.snapshotItem%280%29%29%3B location %3D xPathResult.snapshotItem%280%29.href%3B return%3B %7D %7D const wikimediaDomains %3D %5B %5D%3B const possibleWikimediaDomainMatches %3D if %28possibleWikimediaDomainMatches%29 %7B const possibleWikimediaDomain %3D possibleWikimediaDomainMatches%5B2%5D%3B if %28wikimediaDomains.indexOf%28possibleWikimediaDomain%29 > -1 %26%26 %21document.querySelector%28%27%23ca-view%27%29%29 %7B const mobileSubdomain %3D possibleWikimediaDomainMatches%5B1%5D%3B const languageSubdomain %3D %27en%27.replace%28%2F-.%2A%2F%2C %27%27%29%3B const targetLanguageDomain %3D %60%24%7BlanguageSubdomain%7D.%24%7BmobileSubdomain %3F%3F %27%27%7D%24%7BpossibleWikimediaDomain%7D%60%3B console.log%28%60Translate to English%3A Wikimedia special case%3A going to the corresponding page on the English domain %24%7BtargetLanguageDomain%7D%60%29%3B %3D targetLanguageDomain%3B return%3B %7D %7D s %3D %28location.protocol %2B %27%27%29.match%28%2F%5Ehttp%2F%29 %3F location %2B %27%27 %3A %27%27%3B if %28%21s%29 %7B s %3D prompt%28%27Please enter your text to translate to English%3A%27%29%3B %7D %7D %7D else %7B s %3D s.replace%28%2F%28%5E%7C%5Cs%7C"%29~%28"%7C%5Cs%7C%24%29%2Fg%2C %27%241%27 %2B getSelection%28%29 %2B %27%242%27%29%3B %7D if %28s%29 %7B if %28s.match%28%2F%5E%28https%3F%3A%5C%2F%5C%2F%29%28%5B%5E%5Cs.%5D%2B%5C.%29%2B%5B%5E%5Cs.%5D%2B%5C.%3F%28%5C%2F%5CS%2A%29%3F%24%2F%29%29 %7B const googleTranslateUrl %3D new URL%28s%29%3B const isHttp %3D googleTranslateUrl.protocol %3D%3D%3D %27http%3A%27%3B googleTranslateUrl.protocol %3D %27https%27%3B %3D %27--%27%29.replaceAll%28%27.%27%2C %27-%27%29 %2B if %28isHttp%29 %7B googleTranslateUrl.searchParams.set%28%27_x_tr_sch%27%2C %27http%27%29%3B %7D googleTranslateUrl.searchParams.set%28%27_x_tr_sl%27%2C %27auto%27%29%3B googleTranslateUrl.searchParams.set%28%27_x_tr_tl%27%2C %27en%27%29%3B location %3D googleTranslateUrl%3B %7D else %7B location %3D %2B encodeURIComponent%28s%29%3B %7D %7D %7D%29%28%29%3B


*yandex translator




andykant/mass_google_translate_bookmarklet.js Created 12 years ago • Report abuse 1 0 Code Revisions 6

A mass Google Translate bookmarklet mass_google_translate_bookmarklet.js /*

  1. Copy the compressed version into a bookmark address
  2. Go to Google Translate:
  3. Paste your message block in the textarea (default delimiters are new lines for each message and '=' to separate the key/value
  4. Click the bookmarklet
  5. The result is injected back into the textarea, focused, and selected
  6. Copy + paste back into your message file */

// compressed javascript:(function(){var $=function(el){return document.getElementById(el)},chomp=function(str){return str.replace(/^[\s\n\r]/,'').replace(/[\s\n\r]$/,'')},source=$('source'),messages=chomp(source.value).split(/[\r\n]/),delimiter='=',data=[],text=[],message,i;for(i=0;(message=messages[i]);i++){message=messages[i]=chomp(message).split(delimiter);message[1]=messages[i][1]=message.slice(1).join(delimiter);data.push(message[1])}source.value=data.join('\n');window.location.hash='#'+$('old_sl').value+'|'+$('old_tl').value+'|'+encodeURIComponent(data.join('\n'));setTimeout(function parse(){var translations=$('result_box').childNodes,results=[];if(translations.length>messages.length){alert('Found too many translated messages, please try a smaller subset')}else if(translations.length!==messages.length){setTimeout(parse,100);return}for(i=0;(message=messages[i]);i++){results.push(message[0]+'='+(translations[i]?translations[i].firstChild.textContent:''))}source.value=results.join('\n');source.focus();source.setSelectionRange(0,source.value.length)},100)})()

// expanded javascript:(function() { var $ = function(el) { return document.getElementById(el); }, chomp = function(str) { return str.replace(/^[\s\n\r]/,'').replace(/[\s\n\r]$/,''); }, source = $('source'), messages = chomp(source.value).split(/[\r\n]/), delimiter = '=', data = [], text = [], message, i;

for (i = 0; (message = messages[i]); i++) {
    message = messages[i] = chomp(message).split(delimiter);
    message[1] = messages[i][1] = message.slice(1).join(delimiter);
source.value = data.join('\n');
window.location.hash = '#' + $('old_sl').value + '|' + $('old_tl').value + '|' + encodeURIComponent(data.join('\n'));

setTimeout(function parse() {
    var translations = $('result_box').childNodes,
        results = [];

    if (translations.length > messages.length) {
        alert('Found too many translated messages, please try a smaller subset');
    else if (translations.length !== messages.length) {
        setTimeout(parse, 100);

    for (i = 0; (message = messages[i]); i++) {
        results.push(message[0] + '=' + (translations[i] ? translations[i].firstChild.textContent : ''));

    source.value = results.join('\n');
    source.setSelectionRange(0, source.value.length);
}, 100);
