thomaslepoix / Qucs-RFlayout

Export Qucs RF schematics to KiCad layouts & OpenEMS scripts
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cross compilation Windows from Linux #3

Closed thomaslepoix closed 4 years ago

thomaslepoix commented 4 years ago

I'd like to provide Windows binary and to document the build process from sources.

~ $

    sudo docker run -v $PWD/out:/workdir/out -u root -it burningdaylight/docker-mingw-qt5 /bin/bash

        # Install peldd, ldd for Windows executables, as windeployqt replacement
        pacman -S boost
        cd /usr/local/src
        git clone --recurse-submodules
        mkdir pe-util/build && cd pe-util/build
        cmake ..
        make install
        mkdir /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root
        ln -s /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32 /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw

        cd /workdir
        git clone
        mkdir Qucs-RFlayout/build && cd Qucs-RFlayout/build
        x86_64-w64-mingw32-cmake ..
        cp `peldd -a ../out/qucsrflayout.exe -w UxTheme.dll -w d3d11.dll -w dxgi.dll -w OPENGL32.dll -w USERENV.dll` /workdir/out
        mkdir /workdir/out/platforms
        cp /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib/qt/plugins/platforms/qwindows.dll /workdir/out/platforms

    cd out
    sudo chown -R `whoami` .
    zip -9r *

The build looks fine but wine crashes when I try to run it in graphic mode. wine qucsrflayout.exe -G

This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
wine: Call from 0x7bc5b50c to unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.RaiseFailFastException, aborting

@bvernoux may I ask you to take a look? :)

bvernoux commented 4 years ago

I have built it on my side see archive It is built with QtCreator 4.11.0 on Windows7 Pro with Qt5.12.6 & MinGW64 (mingw730_64) and it works fine see archive containing all dependencies (maybe it is why you have a crash)

Extract of my deployment script used windeployqt_release_Qucs-RFlayout.bat:

set qt_version=5.12.6
set qt_execpath=%cd%\build-Qucs-RFlayout-Desktop_Qt_5_12_6_MinGW_64_bit-Release\release

set qt_execname=Qucs-RFlayout.exe

set qtpath=D:\Qt\%qt_version%\mingw73_64\bin\
set windeployqt_execpath="%qtpath%\windeployqt.exe"
set PATH=%qtpath%;%PATH%

%windeployqt_execpath% --release %qt_execpath%\%qt_execname%
COPY /Y "D:\Qt\%qt_version%\mingw73_64\bin\libstdc++-6.dll" "%qt_execpath%\"
thomaslepoix commented 4 years ago

Thank you!

I miss some dll to run your program, plus if I try to run it with my dll from the process above, I got the same crash as with my executable. So my wine config is probably wrong.

Can you run this one ?

bvernoux commented 4 years ago

I have tested it and it do not launch with error: image This error means you shall create platforms directory which contains file qwindows.dll You shall add other dependencies like in my release with dependencies solved

Note1: My version is a built with stable Qt LTS using Qt5.12.6, yours is based on Qt5.14.1.0 so that explain if you are mixing DLL from different Qt version it crash. Note2: I confirm I have issue to use windeployqt.exe with Qt5.14.1.0 (like I have done with Qt5.12.x) so It is better to keep LTS version Qt5.12.x

thomaslepoix commented 4 years ago

Ok I got it!

I would be kind of relieved if the problem of windeployqt came from recent Qt versions instead of the MinGW version.

As pointed here, peldd I used as replacement can't detect dlls that are conditionally loaded at runtime such as qwindows.dll.

So this runs for me

bvernoux commented 4 years ago

I confirm your latest build work fine on native Windows7 SP1 64bits Just for information when launch from icon, it open a additional command window with "GUI mode" which is not very nice

thomaslepoix commented 4 years ago

Nice, thank you!

I cannot reproduce with wine, does it resolve it if you use cout instead of log_err here ?

bvernoux commented 4 years ago

So far I do not have time (and no space on my SSD) to play with docker/CMake as I'm using Windows Qt Creator with Qt5.12.x which build fine (I just need to modify to remove TARGET) and the native built exe does not create/open additional command window with "GUI mode" in that case. If you can provide a new cross compiled exe with cout instead of log_err (or even without any log) I could test.

thomaslepoix commented 4 years ago

cout is enabled only with the --vebose flag at runtime but I think I spotted the difference between the QMake and CMake builds : The WIN32 flag of the CMake add_executable() command

Yes, of course, here is the rebuild :

Although I think it is now obsolete, why the TARGET = $$PWD/out/qucsrflayout line is problematic for you?

bvernoux commented 4 years ago

In fact when I build the source with TARGET = $$PWD/out/qucsrflayout and Qt 5.12.7 I have this error

Makefile.Release:146: *** multiple target patterns. Stop.

If I build the source with TARGET = $$PWD/out/qucsrflayout and Qt 5.14.1 all is ok so it seems this feature is incompatible with Qt LTS 5.12.x and working only since Qt 5.14.x

I confirm your rebuild : is ok and no Console windows appears now.

thomaslepoix commented 4 years ago

Really nice!

Ok, good to know

Thank you very much for your time! :)