thomasloven / hass-lovelace_gen

🔹 Improve the lovelace yaml parser for Home Assistant
MIT License
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Global macros? #32

Open jlvaillant opened 2 years ago

jlvaillant commented 2 years ago

Hi Thomas,

is there a chance global macros could be supported? I remember a pull request by Rocka84 for the "old" project that was a great attempt IMHO. Global macros would totally be a game changer for me...

AngellusMortis commented 2 years ago

+1 for this. There is really only 3 marcos I would really love to be global. Basically being able to recursively print an object. If you just do {{ object }} and object is a mapping, it does not work quite as expected.

{% macro print_string(ws, item) -%}
{%- if "\n" in item -%} |
{{"  "*ws}}{{ item|replace("\n", "\n" + "  "*ws) }}
{%- else -%}
"{{ item }}"
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro %}

{% macro print_item(ws, item) -%}
{%- if item is mapping -%}
{{ print_dict(ws, item) }}
{%- elif item is iterable and item is not string -%}
{{ print_list(ws, item) }}
{%- elif item is string -%}
{{ print_string(ws, item) }}
{%- elif item == None -%}
{%- else -%}
{{ item }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro %}

{% macro print_dict(ws, items) -%}
{%- for key, value in items.items() -%}
{%- if value is mapping or (value is iterable and value is not string) -%}
{% if loop.index > 1 %}{{"  "*ws}}{% endif %}{{ key }}: 
{{"  "*ws}}  {{ print_item(ws + 1, value) }}
{% else -%}
{% if loop.index > 1 %}{{"  "*ws}}{% endif %}{{ key }}: {{ print_item(ws + 1, value) }}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
{%- endmacro %}

{% macro print_list(ws, items) -%}
{%- for item in items -%}
{% if loop.index > 1 %}{{"  "*ws}}{% endif %}- {{ print_item(ws + 1, item) }}
{% endfor -%}
{%- endmacro %}
shbatm commented 2 years ago

Would also like to see this.

dajomas commented 1 year ago

Recently discovered this gem, lovelace_gen, and I am using it avidly. However, I use several include files that contain the same macros. So I would love to see something like global macros or macro include files to minimize the size of the yaml files and the need to change multiple files if I adjust a macro that is used in multiple files.

So hereby, I add my +1 for this request

romainchassaigne commented 7 months ago

Hey there,

I encountered the same issue, and after doing some research, I found that creating Jinja templates like in Flask's was impossible in this context.

Here's how I managed to resolve the issue. It's a bit of a workaround, but it got the job done.

Note about the files: The white space might not be perfectly aligned as I copied this from my lovelace, which has cards in both vertical and horizontal stacks.

./file_1.yaml please see edit to a better way:

# lovelace_gen
{% set room_chips = [("sensor.temperature", "mdi:thermometer", "state"), 
                                   ("sensor.humidity", "mdi:water-percent", "state")] %}
title: Test
path: test
  - !include
    - "include/chips.yaml"
    - room:
        {% for entity, icon, primary_info in desk_room_chips %}
        - - {{entity}}
          - {{icon}}
          - {{primary_info}}
        {% endfor %}
      ws: 1


# lovelace_gen
{{"  "*ws}}type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
{{"  "*ws}}chips:
{{"  "*ws}}  {% for entity, icon, primary_info in room %}
{{"  "*ws}}  - type: entity
{{"  "*ws}}    entity: {{ entity }}
{{"  "*ws}}    icon: {{ icon }}
{{"  "*ws}}    content_info: {{ primary_info }}
{{"  "*ws}}    tap_action:
{{"  "*ws}}      action: none
{{"  "*ws}}    hold_action:
{{"  "*ws}}      action: none
{{"  "*ws}}    double_tap_action:
{{"  "*ws}}      action: none
{{"  "*ws}}  {% endfor %}

It might look a bit messy, but it served as a temporary solution until I find a cleaner approach.

EDIT: After reading the documentation, I found a better way to call my included file with json variables:


# lovelace_gen
{% set room_chips = [("sensor.temperature", "mdi:thermometer", "state"), 
                                   ("sensor.humidity", "mdi:water-percent", "state")] %}
title: Test
path: test
  - !include
    - "include/chips.yaml"
    - room: {{ room_chips | tojson }}
      ws: 1