I want to split the YAML file into multiple YAML files but not in the "regular" HomeAssistant !include way - I don't think it is possible in my case (I have tried many ways) - And if there is a way it may need for me to repeat some of the variables and macros in each of the files.
I want to split the YAML files by cutting the files wherever I want and that lovelace_gen will concatenate the files before processing them (the cut files will keep the original identation required by YAML) - See simple example below.
The files to concatenate (include) can be listed just after the # lovelace_gen command so lovelace_gen "knows" to concatenate all files before proceeding with the processing of the code:
I would like to request a feature for "simple" splitting of lovelace_gen based UI YAML file.
I think it will also solve, or give possible solution for https://github.com/thomasloven/hass-lovelace_gen/issues/32
I have a ~2100 lines UI YAML file very heavily relying on lovelace_gen that includes Variable, Macros, loops, etc... (If not for lovelace_gen the code will be ~7500 lines) https://github.com/theone11/HomeAssistantConfig/blob/master/lovelace_new_data.yaml
I want to split the YAML file into multiple YAML files but not in the "regular" HomeAssistant !include way - I don't think it is possible in my case (I have tried many ways) - And if there is a way it may need for me to repeat some of the variables and macros in each of the files.
I want to split the YAML files by cutting the files wherever I want and that lovelace_gen will concatenate the files before processing them (the cut files will keep the original identation required by YAML) - See simple example below.
The files to concatenate (include) can be listed just after the # lovelace_gen command so lovelace_gen "knows" to concatenate all files before proceeding with the processing of the code:
For example if I have a single file:
I would like it to be able to split it up like so: