thomasloven / hass-plejd

🔹 Plejd BLE integration for Home Assistant
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Transitions #41

Closed ricmik closed 7 months ago

ricmik commented 9 months ago

Is there a way to turn on / turn off / change brightness and temperature with a transition time?

The Plejd app has this ability through schedules, and I was hoping there is a way to set a transition time directly when communicating with the device.

thomasloven commented 7 months ago

There is not, unfortunately. The transition is part of the schedule itself that's programmed into the device from the app and there seems to be no way to send a "turn on with transition" command directly to a device.

Some plejd integrations do provide transitions, but that's done by bussy-waiting, i.e. the integration sends a dim level, waits a bit, sends another dim level etc. I will not implement a similar function since that would be very taxing on cpu time.