thomasloven / hass-plejd

🔹 Plejd BLE integration for Home Assistant
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Support of Devices DAL-01 & REL-02 #52

Closed L1ttl3b4k3r closed 5 months ago

L1ttl3b4k3r commented 5 months ago

I own several Plejd units i.e. DAL-01 and REL-02 and wondering how I could contribute to the further development.

thomasloven commented 5 months ago

Hi. Thanks for reaching out!

With a bit of luck, version 0.7.0 should be able to pick up your DAL-01 and REL-02 devices in some way and list them as devices under the Plejd integration. With even more luck, they may even give you lights and switches as expected - though I expect DAL-01 in particular to be... weird... Anyway; when you open them up, you'll likely find a number in parantheses near the top left, in the Device Info box. I need that number. image

The file you get when clicking "Download Diagnostics" would also be appreciated. It should be cleaned of any sensitive data, but make sure to scroll through it anyway.

L1ttl3b4k3r commented 5 months ago

Hi Thomas,

please find the device info as followed: REL-02: "REL-02 by Plejd" DIM-01: "DIM-01-LC by Plejd" DAL-01: "-unknown- (12) by Plejd"

I'm presently struggling with obtaining the diagnostics file, an empty page opened while clicking the download button. Any advice in this regard is appreciated, neverteless I try to figure out the reason.

thomasloven commented 5 months ago

Do you also get any entities in the DAL-01 device?

How are those supposed to work? Does one DAL-01 controll one DALI enabled light, or does it somehow connect to a network of DALI devices?

It seems the creating of the diagnostics file failed. I'd expect your Home Assistant log file to contain some information about that. Anything you find there that seems related (ideally that you see appear when you click the button) would be highly interesting to me.

L1ttl3b4k3r commented 5 months ago

Beside light.dali01 itself, no further entities were created. Nevertheless the light card allows also to set the brightness grafik and light color grafik

I own only a single DALI bus light for trial purpose. I assume, all bus connected lights could be controlled.

thomasloven commented 5 months ago

DAL-01 is added to version 0.8.0. Thanks for your input!