thomasloven / lovelace-card-mod

🔹 Add CSS styles to (almost) any lovelace card
MIT License
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3.3.1 Issue #326

Closed gitmesomepizza closed 6 months ago

gitmesomepizza commented 6 months ago

My Home Assistant version: 2023.12.3

My lovelace configuration method (GUI or yaml): YAML

What I am doing: Loading a page with card-mod tweaks on Chrome/Chromium

What I expected to happen: card-mod works

What happened instead: card-mod does not work

Minimal steps to reproduce: Upgrade to 3.3.1 Open Chrome/Chromium to Home Assistant page that utilizes card-mod

⚠️ Please note that downgrading to 3.3.0 resolves this issue ⚠️

⚠️ Also, this issue does not happen in Firefox ⚠️

Error messages from the browser console:

card-mod.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Illegal constructor
    at new n (card-mod.js:1:10144)
    at o.<anonymous> (card-mod.js:1:9380)
    at new r (card-mod.js:1:15236)
    at o.<anonymous> (card-mod.js:1:9380)
    at new n (card-mod.js:1:32733)
    at o.<anonymous> (card-mod.js:1:9380)
    at new o (card-mod.js:1:45566)
    at C (scoped-custom-element-registry.js:388:7)
    at new t (scoped-custom-element-registry.js:236:11)
    at card-mod.js:1:39893


Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: t.refresh is not a function
    at card-mod.js:1:51975

By putting an X in the boxes ([]) below, I indicate that I:

ildar170975 commented 6 months ago

Consider checking for already existing issues before reporting a new one.

Wuestengecko commented 6 months ago

I came here because I thought I had this as well, until I saw you claim it doesn't happen on Firefox (which I use). This led me to force-reload with Ctrl+F5 instead of relying on HACS' own "do you want to reload now?" prompt, and that indeed fixed the issue, so on my end it probably just was a weird caching issue after all. Could you maybe try Ctrl+F5 as well? (It works the same way in Chromium.)

zeisingmi commented 6 months ago

Merry Christmas! I have the same issue with my devices. Version 3.3.1 is not working on chromium based browsers like "Fully Kiosk Browser" or "Home Assistant Mobile App". But in my case also firefox browsers are affected. I thoroughly cleared all cached content on all browsers. Downgrade to version 3.3.0 solves the problem immediately. Error messages are same as described above.

gitmesomepizza commented 6 months ago

Merry Christmas! I have the same issue with my devices. Version 3.3.1 is not working on chromium based browsers like "Fully Kiosk Browser" or "Home Assistant Mobile App". But in my case also firefox browsers are affected. I thoroughly cleared all cached content on all browsers. Downgrade to version 3.3.0 solves the problem immediately. Error messages are same as described above.

I was using an outdated version of Firefox, and sure enough, after updating Firefox, the issue is now affecting FF as well. So please disregard my statement of this being a Chromium specific issue. Sorry about that!

I came here because I thought I had this as well, until I saw you claim it doesn't happen on Firefox (which I use). This led me to force-reload with Ctrl+F5 instead of relying on HACS' own "do you want to reload now?" prompt, and that indeed fixed the issue, so on my end it probably just was a weird caching issue after all. Could you maybe try Ctrl+F5 as well? (It works the same way in Chromium.)

I ensured that all the caches were cleared and that 3.3.1 was running in the browser both before and after updating Firefox. So it shouldn't be a caching issue.

Wuestengecko commented 6 months ago

I tried messing with it a bit more, and it seems to randomly work about half the time on card-mod 3.3.1, and it's completely broken the other half. I don't really see a pattern there. However, when it doesn't work, it spams the console with hundreds of errors, which slows the entire browser tab down dramatically. (It only gets worse while the dev tools are open.)

Console log when it's broken
InstallTrigger sollte nicht mehr verwendet werden und wird in Zukunft entfernt werden. constants.js:50:14
CARD-MOD 3.3.1 IS INSTALLED card-mod.js:1:50553
Uncaught TypeError: Illegal constructor.
    n card-mod.js:1
    _ card-mod.js:1
    r card-mod.js:1
    _ card-mod.js:1
    n card-mod.js:1
    _ card-mod.js:1
    o card-mod.js:1
    C scoped-custom-element-registry.js:388
    t scoped-custom-element-registry.js:236
    t card-mod.js:1
    d card-mod.js:1
    S card-mod.js:1
    v/$/ slider-entity-row.js:1:61420
FOLD-ENTITY-ROW 2.2.0 IS INSTALLED  fold-entity-row.js:78:255
  Version 2.1.0    weather-radar-card.js:1291:869
banner-card: 0.12.0 banner-card.js:162:2393
 MeteoalarmCard  2.6.0 meteoalarm-card.js:816:11
SHUTTER ROW 0.3.5 shutter-row.js:1413:9
The main 'lit-element' module entrypoint is deprecated. Please update your imports to use the 'lit' package: 'lit' and 'lit/decorators.ts' or import from 'lit-element/lit-element.ts'. See for more information. config-template-card.js:329:12
  Version 1.3.6         config-template-card.js:735:9
  Version 1.2.0 myjdownloader-card.js:55:739
⚡ Power Flow Card Plus v0.1.8.1 is installed power-flow-card-plus.js:1:24585
  Version: v3.2.12 scheduler-card.js:1826:321
🍄 Mushroom 🍄 - 3.2.2 mushroom.js:3557:84
 APEXCHARTS-CARD  v2.0.4 apexcharts-card.js:835:75178
  TailwindCSS Template Card  
  Version 3.1.1  
  Star it at! tailwindcss-template-card.js:77:11388
 PLOTLY-GRAPH  3.3.4 production plotly-graph-card.js:2224:838

(After that, the stack trace from above just keeps repeating endlessly.)

Console log when it works
InstallTrigger sollte nicht mehr verwendet werden und wird in Zukunft entfernt werden. constants.js:50:14
CARD-MOD 3.3.1 IS INSTALLED card-mod.js:1:50553
 MULTIPLE-ENTITY-ROW  4.5.0 multiple-entity-row.js:1:26787
SLIDER-ENTITY-ROW 17.4.1 IS INSTALLED  slider-entity-row.js:1:61420
FOLD-ENTITY-ROW 2.2.0 IS INSTALLED  fold-entity-row.js:78:255
  Version 2.1.0    weather-radar-card.js:1291:869
banner-card: 0.12.0 banner-card.js:162:2393
SHUTTER ROW 0.3.5 shutter-row.js:1413:9
The main 'lit-element' module entrypoint is deprecated. Please update your imports to use the 'lit' package: 'lit' and 'lit/decorators.ts' or import from 'lit-element/lit-element.ts'. See for more information. config-template-card.js:329:12
  Version 1.3.6         config-template-card.js:735:9
⚡ Power Flow Card Plus v0.1.8.1 is installed power-flow-card-plus.js:1:24585
  Version 1.2.0 myjdownloader-card.js:55:739
  Version: v3.2.12 scheduler-card.js:1826:321
 MeteoalarmCard  2.6.0 meteoalarm-card.js:816:11
🍄 Mushroom 🍄 - 3.2.2 mushroom.js:3557:84
  TailwindCSS Template Card  
  Version 3.1.1  
  Star it at! tailwindcss-template-card.js:77:11388
 APEXCHARTS-CARD  v2.0.4 apexcharts-card.js:835:75178
 PLOTLY-GRAPH  3.3.4 production plotly-graph-card.js:2224:838

I also tried redownloading it through HACS, but that didn't make a difference.

Considering that support for older browsers which I don't care about is the only new feature in 3.3.1 vs. 3.3.0, I'll simply revert back for now.

gitmesomepizza commented 6 months ago

(It only gets worse while the dev tools are open.)

I was noticing similar behavior with the dev tools open.

Another thing I noticed in the dev tools, is that there is a second web request to get card-mod.js when the issue occurs. When the page/card-mod does work there is only one request to get card-mod.js but when the issue happens there is a second request (XHR) to get card-mod.js initiated by a "5825.lVYaoyzmuqA.js". Not sure if this is relevant, but figured it may help someone investigate.

thomasloven commented 6 months ago

There's been an update in how the scoped customElements registry works, it seems, which affects the timing of things.

I have reproduced the problem (but only in firefox) and have a fix ready for the upcoming 3.4.0. Give me a day or two for testing, and I'll have a release.

reprogerman commented 6 months ago

It happened to me that with the latest version it gave me errors in the registry, I have returned to version 3.2.4, so far it is fine.

thomasloven commented 6 months ago

3.4.0 has been released. That should fix this.

Scoop2389 commented 6 months ago

Hello everyone, My instance of card mod was previously on version 3.3.1 without any issue, but after updating to version 3.4.0, this issue popped up. When I downgrade back to version 3.3.1, the issue disappears.

EDIT: I removed console logs that appeared in both version 3.3.1 and 3.4.0. The only difference between version 3.3.1 and 3.4.0 is the absence of this console log:

card-mod.js?hacstag=190927524331:1     CARD-MOD 3.3.1 IS INSTALLED
Fr3di commented 6 months ago

I have the same issue as @Scoop2389 on Chrome 120.0.6099.109. Can't see any errors but card-mod v3.4.0 doesn't work and had to downgrade to v3.3.1

andiukas commented 6 months ago

v3.4.0 version not help :( last update Chrome 120.0.6099.110

Fr3di commented 6 months ago

Thx to this topic I have found that my styling in few places was wrong and it made me think that v3.4.0 is not working which wasn't correct. After fixing my code it works fine with card-mod v3.4.0. Please check your code specifically for missing card_mod key and wrong indentation:

I.e. I had:

- type: custom:floorplan-card
  style: |
    ha-card {
      max-width: 160vh;
      margin: 0 auto;
      background: none;
      box-shadow: none;

when it supposed to be like below (card_mod key added):

- type: custom:floorplan-card
    style: |
      ha-card {
        max-width: 160vh;
        margin: 0 auto;
        background: none;
        box-shadow: none;
gitmesomepizza commented 6 months ago

3.4.0 has been released. That should fix this.

Can confirm that 3.4.0 has fixed the issues from my original post! Thank you!