thomasloven / lovelace-slider-entity-row

🔹 Add sliders to entity cards
MIT License
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Custom cards may be causing UI to jump to another tab upon Saving an Card Edit #222

Open GrizzlyAK opened 2 years ago

GrizzlyAK commented 2 years ago

My Home Assistant version: 2021.10.6

My lovelace configuration method (GUI or yaml): GUI

What I am doing: Please see here for a description of the issue, and why it may be related to one of your custom cards. Note that I also use Button Card, but I have been using that for over a year, and this only began happening after installing one of your custom cards.

What I expected to happen:

What happened instead:

Minimal steps to reproduce: When I edit a card when I have these .js files in my www and click SAVE, the UI jumps to the Home tab (leftmost), still in UI edit mode.

# The least ammount of code possible to reproduce my error

# End of code

Error messages from the browser console:

By putting an X in the boxes ([X]) below, I indicate that I:

thomasloven commented 2 years ago

Cannot reproduce with slider-entity-row installed.

GrizzlyAK commented 2 years ago

I did some testing, but wasn't able to determine which of the three I have installed may be causing it. It seems to predictably (so far) NOT exhibit this behavior with these three cards removed. I use the following:

auto-entities.js slider-entity-row.js template-entity-row.js

It doesn't cause a problem, other than the frustration if you are making multiple ongoing changes and have to manually re-select the correct Lovelace tab. I just wanted to let you know.