thomasloven / lovelace-state-switch

🔹Dynamically replace lovelace cards depending on occasion
MIT License
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Dropdown element appears below other elements #101

Open brasofilo opened 1 year ago

brasofilo commented 1 year ago

Hi Thomas, thanks for the nice add on!

I've found an issue using Mushroom Select Card inside an state switch.

The dropdown goes to the back of the other elements making it unusable:


My code for the card is as follows, it doesn't have an off state:

  - type: custom:state-switch
    entity: input_boolean.boiler_automation
        type: custom:mushroom-select-card
        entity: input_select.boiler_auto_time
        layout: horizontal
        primary_info: none
        secondary_info: none
        icon: mdi:clock-time-nine-outline

I tried adding the off state and changing every possible setting but without results. The dropdown card works ok outside of the state-switch.