thomasloven / lovelace-state-switch

🔹Dynamically replace lovelace cards depending on occasion
MIT License
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Cards in state-switch not rendering intermittently #112

Open danleongjy opened 9 months ago

danleongjy commented 9 months ago

I have a dashboard view consisting of a 6x11 grid that displays 54 cards at any one time. But because of heavy use of custom:decluttering-card and custom:state-switch, there are actually about 230+ cards defined on this view. Since about 3mo ago, I have observed that the cells in the grid that contain custom:state-switch cards may intermittently fail to render. I suspect it is a cache issue as several rounds of Ctrl+F5 or hard reloads of the mobile app (or just waiting a while) will enable all cells to render. Is there an upper limit to the number of cards containing custom:state-switch that can be deployed on each view?

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Full dashboard Some cards using custom:state-switch fail to render. Those cards that use custom:state-switch that do render properly are those with 3 states that render custom:button-cards only. Some cards using custom:decluttering-card in conjunction with custom:state-switch and custom:slider-button-card fail to render. Those that do render properly are those that render a custom:button-cards only. All cards using custom:state-switch fail to render

Full yaml for this dashboard view: main-dashboard-yaml.txt