thomasloven / lovelace-state-switch

🔹Dynamically replace lovelace cards depending on occasion
MIT License
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Issue with picture entities (camera feeds) not working on Fire 10 Tablet (state based on user entity) #73

Open domenicdistefano opened 2 years ago

domenicdistefano commented 2 years ago

Strange problem here. I am going to try to describe what's going as best I can. Code examples below. Note - where you see bullets in the code they are actually dashes (-). This editor is displaying them as bullets.

I have a number of camera feeds (eight total) I need to display both on a PC & on a tablet within a 2x4 Grid Card. For brevity purposes in my examples below I will just include the first two camera entities. In Figure A below everything is stock vanilla & works great on a PC. Problem is these are a mix of 4K & 1440p cameras so the tablet can't keep up. To solve the issue I can create a separate view and substitute an alternate stream dumbed down to 720p which the tablet handles fine. See Figure B.

Instead of having redundant views for each resolution / device I want to use state-switch via user name to present the proper code to the proper device. Easy right? Not so much....

Again just to reiterate independently without using state-switch all of this code works fine & displays properly. When combined however (as shown in Figure C with my full code / eight cameras) using state-switch the tablet (720p version of the code) just shows with black boxes on the tablet. I am scratching my head because state-switch is doing its job and using the proper version of the code on the tablet but for some reason the actual payload / view of the live stream is breaking somehow. Even if do another version for troubleshooting just showing a single feed (one regular and one 720) I get the same result.

At the very bottom is a picture of what the tablet screen looks like with the only variable being state-switch. If I use the same code (720 entities only in a regular view) everything looks great as you can see in the second picture.

Makes no sense. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for the help with your GREAT PRODUCT!

Figure A --------------example without state-switch-------------- type: grid square: false columns: 2 cards:

Figure B --------------example without state-switch-------------- type: grid square: false columns: 2 cards:

Figure C --------------example WITH state-switch-------------- type: custom:state-switch entity: user default: default states: Domenic: type: grid square: false columns: 2 cards:

Working: image