thomasmauerer / hassio-addons

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Backup not renamed/moved on nas? #178

Open mdeweerd opened 2 months ago

mdeweerd commented 2 months ago

My Synology NAS was getting full and it turns out that the HA backups are taking quite some space. In fact I have about a year of backups in /volume1/homes/ha that are not moved/renamed to the proper file in /volume1/homes/ha/ha-backups.

I had a few backups in /volume1/homes/ha/ha-backups

Here is an example from the log:

[24-06-13 06:00:06] INFO: Creating backup "ha-home-backup-Full-2024-06-13 06:00"
[24-06-13 06:05:13] INFO: Copying backup b2c121b8 (Samba_Backup_ha_home_backup_Full_2024_06_13_06_00.tar) to share
[24-06-13 06:05:13] WARNING: b2c121b8.tar does not exist
[24-06-13 06:05:13] WARNING: Could not copy backup b2c121b8 to share. Trying again ...
[24-06-13 06:05:19] WARNING: b2c121b8.tar does not exist
[24-06-13 06:05:27] DEBUG: Posting sensor data to API at /core/api/states/sensor.samba_backup
[24-06-13 06:05:27] DEBUG: API Status: 200
[24-06-13 06:05:27] DEBUG: API Response: {"entity_id":"sensor.samba_backup","state":"FAILED","attributes":{"friendly_name":"Samba Backup","backups_local":"574","backups_remote":"30","total_backups_succeeded":"0","total_backups_failed":"370","last_backup":"never"},"last_changed":"2024-06-13T04:05:27.276485+00:00","last_reported":"2024-06-13T04:05:27.276485+00:00","last_updated":"2024-06-13T04:05:27.276485+00:00","context":{"id":"01J07WB73C57EDBV079S87ZRCD","parent_id":null,"user_id":"f6279191a34a49f7a805c5fef3f752ad"}}

[24-06-13 06:05:37] DEBUG: Posting sensor data to API at /core/api/states/sensor.samba_backup
[24-06-13 06:05:37] DEBUG: API Status: 200
[24-06-13 06:05:37] DEBUG: API Response: {"entity_id":"sensor.samba_backup","state":"IDLE","attributes":{"friendly_name":"Samba Backup","backups_local":"574","backups_remote":"30","total_backups_succeeded":"0","total_backups_failed":"370","last_backup":"never"},"last_changed":"2024-06-13T04:05:37.623591+00:00","last_reported":"2024-06-13T04:05:37.623591+00:00","last_updated":"2024-06-13T04:05:37.623591+00:00","context":{"id":"01J07WBH6Q76743TB9XW7305SS","parent_id":null,"user_id":"f6279191a34a49f7a805c5fef3f752ad"}}

It indicates 'WARNING: b2c121b8.tar does not exist' but I find

:/volume1/homes/ha# ls -l b2c121b8.tar 
-rwx--x--x+ 1 ha users 2031421440 Jun 13 06:00 b2c121b8.tar

Confirming that the TAR file was created in the home directory for the 'ha' account on the NAS.

It worked somewhat over a year ago, so that is very strange;

This is my configuration:

share: home
target_dir: ha-backups
username: ha
password: REDACTED
keep_local: 5
keep_remote: 30
trigger_time: "06:00"
  - Mon
  - Tue
  - Wed
  - Thu
  - Fri
  - Sat
  - Sun
exclude_addons: []
exclude_folders: []
backup_name: ha-home-backup-{type}-{date}
log_level: debug
mdeweerd commented 2 months ago

I notice that the first backup worked normally after cleaning up the backup directory entirely, but the subsequent ones did not move.

However, I notice that the filename has underscores where they are hyphens in the configuration. I am going to update the configuration to make sure that both match:

-rwxrwxrwx+ 1 ha users 2031421440 Jun 13 06:00 Samba_Backup_ha_home_backup_Full_2024_06_13_06_00.tar