thomasnordquist / MQTT-Explorer

An all-round MQTT client that provides a structured topic overview
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Option to disable sparkplug autodecode. #808

Closed plattrap closed 4 weeks ago

plattrap commented 4 weeks ago

The sparkplug decoder has decided my JSON payload needs to be decoded and has hidden the actual payload data.

Real payload

    "timestamp": "2024-06-03T10:58:51.882Z",
    "mac": "d97de462fc85",
    "stats_crc": "4b48",
    "anchor_stats": "1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0",
    "history_stats": "8, 7, 9, 6, 6, 9, 5, 6"

Displayed payload ("Decoded SparkplugB")

    "uuid": ", 0\", \"history_stats\": \"8, 7, 9, 6, 6, 9, 5, 6\"}"
bj00rn commented 4 weeks ago

Are you using the latest beta? It should now prevent falsely identifying payloads as sparkplug. It should now only try to decode topics starting with/spBv1.0

Edit: I was mistaken, the above logic is yet to be released. Latest 0.4.0-beta6 has sparkplug decoding disabled for now