thomasokken / free42

Free42 : An HP-42S Calculator Simulator
GNU General Public License v2.0
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MENU KEY 7/8 & Annunciators #60

Closed sbridger closed 9 months ago

sbridger commented 9 months ago

OK, dragged my actual paper HP42 manual out, and found CLMENU

The up/dn annunciator is always on when I have a MENU This may be because the KEY N xxx yyyy menu is persistent i.e. if I run MENU again with no KEY commands. it will bring up the previous KEY items.

You say that Free42 enables them when KEY 7 or KEY 8 is used So either the annunciator is always on and the above is incorrect, or (more likely), I am unable to clear a previously set KEY 7 or KEY 8 menu item.

Is there a way to clear these KEY N menu items?

As an aside my complex number menu is type sensitive**. Unfortunately this requires an event to be fired anytime the contents of X changes to update the menu. This is pretty much any key being pressed. While I have yet to think it through, an any key: KEY 10 might be a way to do it.

**i.e. the menu changes according to X being real, rect complex or polar complex. As soon as you press a number key, it becomes a real number again. So I am testing CPX? and flag 73 (polar)

sbridger commented 9 months ago

also while editing a couple of skins I added RECT and POLAR annunciators 8,9