thomasp85 / ggforce

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Order of geom_edge_link plotting does not match order of input data for more than 9 edges #314

Closed mjsmith037 closed 7 months ago

mjsmith037 commented 9 months ago

When using geom_edge_link(), sorting the input graph edges does not have the expected effect on the plotting order of those edges (in particular when the number of edges is greater than 9).


# create a toy graph
g <- tbl_graph(edges=tibble(from=1:12, to=13:24), directed=FALSE) %E>%
  mutate(z=1:n()) %N>%
  mutate(type=c(rep(TRUE, 12), rep(FALSE, 12)))

# standardize layout for comparisons (and so that edges cross)
layout <- igraph::layout_as_bipartite(g) %>%
  {cbind(c(.[1:12,1], .[13:24,1] / -0.5 + 12), .[,2])}

We would expect the edges to be plotted in order (from top to bottom in the dataframe/tidygraph), however, we see that the ninth edge is actually on top (this is true regardless of the naming convention).

# does not work
ggraph(g, layout=layout) +
  geom_edge_link(aes(colour=z, label=z), width=3)

geom_edge_link0 seems to work, as does manually setting the group variable to be the same for all edges, so I suspect it has to do with assigning the group variable on line 197 of geom_edge_link.R.

# works!
ggraph(g, layout=layout) +
  geom_edge_link0(aes(colour=z), width=3)

# works!
ggraph(g, layout=layout) +
  geom_edge_link(aes(colour=z, label=z, group=I(1)), width=3)

The order of plotting is reminiscent of the order you get when sorting an integer range that has been converted to a character:

1:12 %>% as.character() %>% sort()
#>  [1] "1"  "10" "11" "12" "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"

and, indeed, considering the number of edges up to 100, the 99th edge is plotted last:

a <- 100
g <- tbl_graph(edges=tibble(from=1:a, to=(a+1):(2*a)), directed=FALSE) %E>%
  mutate(z=1:n()) %N>%
  mutate(type=c(rep(TRUE, a), rep(FALSE, a)))
layout <- igraph::layout_as_bipartite(g) %>%
  {cbind(c(.[1:a,1], .[(a+1):(2*a),1] / -0.5 + a), .[,2])}
ggraph(g, layout=layout, ncol=2) +
  geom_edge_link(aes(colour=(z==99), label=z), width=3)

Created on 2023-12-08 with reprex v2.0.2

mjsmith037 commented 9 months ago

Could be related to the issue mentioned in thomasp85/ggraph#279

thomasp85 commented 8 months ago

Moving this to ggforce since the underlying issue is in StatLink/GeomLink