thomasp85 / shinyFiles

A shiny extension for server side file access
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Navigation through folders is limited. At a certain point I cannot open additional folders. #148

Open jsoeldi opened 4 years ago

jsoeldi commented 4 years ago

I am currently building a shiny app where the user can choose the directoy from which the data is loaded. It all works fine if I only need to open a small number of folders. After 6 Folders I cannot open addiotional Folders.

vnijs commented 4 years ago

That sounds very odd. Can you provide a minimal reproducible example?

jsoeldi commented 4 years ago

This is my UI script:

Shiny App

library(shiny) library(shinyFiles) library(plotly)

Define UI for app that draws Efficient Frontier ---- ui <-fluidPage(

App title ---- titlePanel("Efficient Frontier"),


    shinyDirButton('directory', label='Select Directory!', title='Please select a Directory'),
    verbatimTextOutput(outputId = "directory", placeholder=TRUE),

    actionButton("goButton", "Go!"),

      sliderInput(inputId = "Candidate",
             label = "Number of Candidates:",
             min = 0,
             max = 70,
             value = 10),

             #choices = seq(0,50),
              #multiple = FALSE,
               # default value

        selectInput(inputId = "stats_x", 
            label= "Summary X-axis",
            choices = c("Mean",
                         "Standard Deviation",
                         "5% Percentile",
                         "25% Percentile",
                         "50% Percentile",
                         "75% Percentile",
                         "95% Percentile")

      selectInput(inputId = "period.x",
            label = "Period on X-axis",
            choices = seq(0,11)),

      selectInput(inputId = "stats_y",
            label= "Summary y-axis",
            choices = c("Mean",
              "Standard Deviation",
              "5% Percentile",
              "25% Percentile",
              "50% Percentile",
              "75% Percentile",
              "95% Percentile")

          selectInput(inputId = "period.y",
            label = "Period on y-axis",
            choices = seq(0,11)),

plotlyOutput(outputId = "fig")



This is the Server part:

server <- function(input, output, data=grouped_data) {

source("G:\4AB_ALLE\Soelderer\R_Trials\load_data_function.R") #source data loading function

roots <-getVolumes()()

shinyDirChoose( input, 'directory', roots = roots, filetypes = c('', 'txt', 'bigWig', "tsv", "csv", "bw") # defining roots of working direcory and potential files


dir <- reactive(input$directory) output$directory <- renderText({
parseDirPath(roots, dir()) })


1) once the button is pushed 2) load_data from the directory choosen

z <- parseDirPath(roots, dir()) # the file path


As already mentioned. Everythin works fine, but I cannot open certain folders. It has acutally nothing to do with the number of steps. I changed the roots argument within shinyDirChoose so that the Folder I wanted to select was in the roots folder. However, it won't let me open the specific folders. Could it be that they are too large? Thank you very much for the package and for your help! I am sorry for the mess in the Code here, I am new on Github and have not yet figured out how it works! :P

vnijs commented 4 years ago

My first thought is that it could be a permission issue on the folders but I'm not sure. The other is that if you do have 1000s of files in a folder things could get slow