I want to add an accessible folder to a user-selected directory in shinyDirChoose by modifying roots. It seems it works to modify roots, but next if I want to select a new directory via the 'custom' volume selection and click on sub-directories, for example, it crashes with the error message "Error in: path must not have missing values".
Thank you for your help !
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Add Volume to Roots in Shiny"),
shinyDirButton("dir1", "Select Directory 1", "Please select a directory"),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Initial roots definition
roots <- reactiveVal(c(
home = fs::path_home(),
output = paste0(fs::path_home(), "/Eclipse")
# Show the current roots information
output$roots_info <- renderPrint({ roots() })
# Initialize shinyDirChoose for the directories
observe({ shinyDirChoose(input, "dir1", roots = roots()) })
# # Handle the directory selection
observeEvent(input$dir1, {
dir1 <- parseDirPath(roots(), input$dir1)
if (!is.null(dir1) && !anyNA(dir1) && length(dir1) > 0) {
new_roots <- roots()
new_roots["custom"] <- dir1
shinyApp(ui, server)