thomaspark / glyphsearch

Search for icons from Font Awesome, Glyphicons, IcoMoon, Ionicons, and Octicons
MIT License
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Material icons not working #74

Closed simplesquare1 closed 7 years ago

simplesquare1 commented 7 years ago

Hi Thomas,

First of all...thank you very much for the glyphSearch. It's amazing tool!

Problem I found is that material icons are not working. I am not developer, so can't help you much. But I believe you know how to fix this ;).

Thanks Jana

thomaspark commented 7 years ago

Hi @simplesquare1, thanks for the heads up. Can you tell me what happens when you try with material icons versus other icons that it isn't working for you? Does nothing happen when you click? Or the wrong text is copied to clipboard?