thomasrayner / dev-workstation

For spinning up quick, ephemeral dev workstations in Azure
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Added params for UACConsentPrompt and HideFileExt #2

Closed adilio closed 5 years ago

adilio commented 5 years ago

Just adding the options to disable consent prompt behavior for admins, and to turn off the pesky "hide extensions for known file types" checkbox preference. It's not pretty, hehe, and I'll happily use hashtables, if preferred.

thomasrayner commented 5 years ago

Part of me gets a little spooked at having the UAC disable setting as part of the -All switch and wonders if it should be separately opted into. But then I remember that the remoting and trustedhosts wildcard stuff is part of -All, too.


adilio commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I hear you about the disabling UAC thing. That's why it's purposely only the consent behaviour that's altered, for Admins. I opted not to disable UAC altogether, for this very reason.