thomasrogers03 / bloom

Blood Modding Suite
Apache License 2.0
14 stars 0 forks source link

Mostly want help with the monster sound editing aspect really #2

Open rociomarielgnas opened 1 year ago

rociomarielgnas commented 1 year ago

I'm looking for proper documentation on this but the examples on rctm aren't helping me. I'm working on a mod for 1.2 and I have hit a wall regarding the editing of monster sounds. I feel silly saying this but I actually can't find the damn option on the edit dialog. Mind explaining how the editing of the sounds is done a bit better? Thanks!

thomasrogers03 commented 1 year ago

Hey @rociomarielgnas thanks for taking a look at the project! For my context, which specific aspect of monster sounds are you trying to change - there are a few options that I'm aware of:

  1. Have a certain sound effect (one of the sfx sprite types) be triggered when interacting with the monster (triggered on death, for example)
  2. Modify the monster itself (depends on what port you're running). Assuming you're using fresh supply, you could probably accomplish this by editing the angelscript files = there's a kpf file that has all these, which is basically just a zip file - I'd suggest taking a look here for an entrypoint at how bloom looks at these.

If one of these isn't it or you have any other questions please feel free to reach out in this issue 🙏

Cheers, Thomas

rociomarielgnas commented 1 year ago

Hiya @thomasrogers03! Thank you for the reply, I actually was worried since you made bloom so long ago maybe you would have moved on to other projects by now. I want to mod the sounds that are triggered on interactions with the player, right now I'm specifically focused on death sounds. I'm working on a mod that will add high quality reverb among other things. I have one of the tutorials rctm provides, but it obviously isn't bloom oriented. Here's the relevant snippet since the tutorial (number 5 from the page) includes other things too:


 - Run BMETUT5
 - Select 1 of the 5 episodes

 | SOUNDS | 

>>> S E C T O R   S F X

 - Insert sprite and change to type 709
 - Set RX ID to any number (>100)
 - Set the following:

      DATA1: 'OFF->ON busytime' sound (must be looped)
      DATA2: 'ON state reached' sound (1-shot)
      DATA3: 'ON->OFF busytime' sound (must be looped)
      DATA4: 'OFF state reached' sound (1-shot)

      Some suggestions:

      105/153/105/153 elevator
      106/157/106/157 stone door
      120/168/120/168 sliding door
      117/0/0/156 for wood door
      101/0/0/162 wood door (with echo)


 * The sounds start from the beginning when triggered.
 * The polyphony is higher than 1.
 * 4 different sounds can be set, 2 for each state.
 * This sound is '1 shot' (it does not loop).
 * Its range is fixed.
 * Volume is fixed.

>>> A M B I E N T   S F X

 - Insert sprite and change to type 710
 - Set State to ON
 - Set the following:

      DATA1: Volume at max range (yellow circle)
      DATA2: Volume fading range (brown circle)
      DATA3: Sound #
      DATA4: Main Volume

 + If for some reason you want to turn the sound on/off
   then set RX ID to any number (>100)


 * This sound does not start from the beginning when it
   is triggered. It always go forward even when the
   volume is turned off.
 * The polyphony is higher than 1.
 * One sound can be set.
 * This sound loops.
 * Its range can be set.
 * Volume can be set.

>>> P L A Y E R   S F X

 - Insert sprite and change to type 709
 - Set RX ID to any number (>100)
 - Set the following:

   DATA1: Sound #


 * This sound starts from the beginning when triggered.
 * The polyphony is 1.
 * One sound can be set.
 * This sound is '1 shot' (it does not loop).
 * Its range is fixed.
 * Volume is fixed (its location doesn't matter).


               starts at
     TYPE      beginning  Poly   Loop  Range Volume
  SECTOR SFX  |   YES   | Many | Yes* | Fix | Fix |
  AMBIENT SFX |    NO   | Many | Yes  | Var | Var |
  PLAYER SFX  |   YES   |   1  |  No  | Fix | Fix |
  *Sector SFX sounds loop in the busytimes.

Since this is for mapedit of course I wasn't expecting it to say how to do it in bloom but I have been looking around the sprite editor and I can't find an area where the sounds are programmed which makes me think I'm probably looking at the wrong place.

rociomarielgnas commented 1 year ago

I am dumb and have been writing the name of the site wrong, it's not rtcm, I got the example from BME,

thomasrogers03 commented 1 year ago

I think you're on the right track here (I'm assuming here that we're on the trigger sound path - as per the tutorial you've shared). The monsters themselves in this case won't be triggering the sounds, but will have to trigger a "player sfx" sprite. That's the one where you'll actually set the sound using bloom in the property editor.

Triggering the sound on death should be pretty straight forward (I believe all monsters should trigger their "events" once killed, much like you'll see throughout the commercial game) - just need to link the sounds to the monster (tx/rx ids aren't present in bloom, but replaced by senders/receivers (which in turn automatically generate tx/rx ids when the map is saved). Then all you need to do is set the "going on" and "going off" triggers and it should play the sound

Hopefully this document can help you get this working :crossed_fingers:

Edit: as similar to this, you should be able to select the sound you want by editing the properties of the "player sfx" sprite