thomassidor / tinytricks

Tiny Tricks - Modules for VCV Rack
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Connecting `VCO-1` `TRI` to `CAPTRUE` crashes Rack #20

Open dschiller opened 2 years ago

dschiller commented 2 years ago



thomassidor commented 2 years ago

Hi @dschiller

I've just tried to recreate the issue, but without success.

Just to understand correctly: Are you taking the TRI output and patching it to the capture input right below the button (see attached screenshot) Skærmbillede 2021-08-31 092329 ? This trigger input is for triggering the caputre of a new wavetable - but to capture a proper wavetable something needs to be connected to the wave inputs as well.

So with this patch you're creating a new wavetable at audio rate. Might be what you are going for, just wanted to point that out.

So I can debug a bit further I'd like some more details:

dschiller commented 2 years ago

Hey Thomas,

thanks for your comment. I updated the repro steps.




Debug Details

thomassidor commented 2 years ago

Hi Dirk

Thanks for the update. I was able to recreate it with the increased sample rate (the default in VCV is 44.1k).

Will have to reestablish the build environment on my computer before I can work on a fix.

A temporary workaround is to reduce the sample rate. I could get it to work with 48k at max though.

All the best, Thomas