thomasthorsen / SublimeToks

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toks for linux-64bit installed as non-executable #4

Closed ZenithDK closed 8 years ago

ZenithDK commented 9 years ago

I had problems with toks not being able to run as the check initially failed. I managed to print the path it is looking for (maybe that should be part of the output if it fails) and the file was located in the correct location. A little bit of digging revealed it was due to it not being executable, and changing the permissions fixed this problem. I would suggest changing the error printed if the file is located, but not executable, and see if the binary can be installed as executable also.

thomasthorsen commented 9 years ago

Looks like everything is in order:

tthorsen@ttbuntu:~/git> git clone Cloning into 'SublimeToks'... remote: Counting objects: 61, done. remote: Total 61 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 61 Receiving objects: 100% (61/61), 943.82 KiB | 824.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (33/33), done. Checking connectivity... done. tthorsen@ttbuntu:~/git> cd SublimeToks/ tthorsen@ttbuntu:~/git/SublimeToks> git ls-files -s toks/linux-64bit 100755 ab143969983100b314112ddf79d4a6476d04842a 0 toks/linux-64bit/toks tthorsen@ttbuntu:~/git/SublimeToks> ls -l toks/linux-64bit/toks -rwxrwxr-x 1 tthorsen tthorsen 951160 Apr 6 23:26 toks/linux-64bit/toks

There doesn't appear to be any one else having this issue (including myself when installing via Package Control), so I am thinking you must be doing something odd?

ZenithDK commented 9 years ago

Fair enough as for it being an error on my side, but could you add more debugging to that part of the code path?

thomasthorsen commented 8 years ago

I've seen this on at least one occasion. I have no explanation for why that is (it is beyond my control what happens in package control), but I have some code to work around it by setting the execute bit explicitly on init of the plugin.