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Add Remark from User Control Panel #2

Open thomastom99 opened 9 years ago

thomastom99 commented 9 years ago

Right now Only administrator can add remarks now. But now in the remark master settings , if we configure "Allow users to add Remarks check box" , the user should be able to add that kind of remark from users control panel.

So in the control Panel there should be a Button called Add/Edit remarks . Once you added the remarks, the remarks should be added to Respective database and the add/edit details time etc should go to the history table.. Please check with Jithin Regarding History Table, Remark Type enumerator etc..

In the Remark Mater EDRemarksMaster.aspx . The employee name Combo boxx should be filled with the Respective Employee and then disabled so that he cannot change the Name.. That is user mode control panel should be able to access only his details.. Also Hide the Load Current employees chack box. Right now I belive EDRemarksMaster.aspx is only accessible to admin so need to change that using user rights.. The rest flow in EDRemarksMaster.aspx is the same..

thomastom99 commented 9 years ago

Also the remark type should be loaded only with this " Allow users to add Remarks check box "

thomastom99 commented 9 years ago

I think better to add another Page similar to EDRemarksMaster.aspx but only with necessary fileds.. I will add it now.. Please modify the page later..

thomastom99 commented 9 years ago

Here is the new Page.. EDUserRemarkMaster.aspx which you can freely mddify based on EDRemarksMaster.aspx

thomastom99 commented 9 years ago

Here is the path WstExMain/Administrator/EmployeeDetails/EDUserRemarkMaster.aspx

thomastom99 commented 9 years ago

So when the user clicks on Add remarks ,it should redirect to the page WstExMain/Administrator/EmployeeDetails/EDUserRemarkMaster.aspx.

The user should be able to add remarks an the following options should be present..

I am refering EDUserRemarkMaster.aspx here..

1.Employee Name--ID * Label with Employee Name and ID Displayed 2.Remark Types with "Allow users to add Remarks" Only

  1. From Date, To Date, Load Existing Remarks
  2. Remark Heading
  3. Manage Remarks (Edit Only)
  4. Remark Date
  5. General Remarks
  6. Send Reark Details to Adminstrator as E Mail (Check box)
  7. Add and Cancel Button
thomastom99 commented 9 years ago

Sachin Please let me know if you need any clarifications