thomastom99 / wc

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Question Master settings -Logical Error #3

Closed ginualex closed 9 years ago

ginualex commented 9 years ago

I am able to add an options repeatedly for a question bug .

thomastom99 commented 9 years ago

The Option should be different Right?

thomastom99 commented 9 years ago

That Option 1 and two should be different contents..

Revathyms commented 9 years ago

What if someone try to add one option repeatedly(by mistake). We have to give some Warning wright? At present it doesnt shows any warning.

thomastom99 commented 9 years ago

Yes It should show a Warning.. Sachin please fix this problem with an error message..

thomastom99 commented 9 years ago

When you close the Bug.. Please give a small description about the bug fix .. how it is fixed etcif possible..

sachin-jose commented 9 years ago

The bug was actually a logical error. The user was able to add same option repeatedly for a question. I fixed the bug by checking all the options by using a list(added options to that list), and two loops to check the condition. Then i tested the page by checking all the possibilities. I hope the issue is fixed now.