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User control panel modification #48

Open gopuedappattu opened 8 years ago

gopuedappattu commented 8 years ago

Modify the control panel by rearranging the page controls, width and alignments

thomastom99 commented 8 years ago

Please Modify the user control panel page of WebCloud to make it professional. 1.The user info entry control/section is not professional and needs to be adjusted for width and height.

  1. Pl discuss this with gopu as I already discussed with him on some of the aspects. Please develop the code in the WIP SVN.
thomastom99 commented 8 years ago

I think Bootstrap framework is a good option in user control panel so that it will be responsive even in mobile phone. Bootstrap framework is already in the webcloud style\js and style\css folder.

thomastom99 commented 8 years ago

Please think about a good design first and draw it in MS Excel or word or Paint if needed so that we can discuss it..

thomastom99 commented 8 years ago

I think it will be good if we have "Add Offline Hours" in the User Control Panel page itself if the employee activity is on..

thomastom99 commented 8 years ago

What about the status of this Bug?

nobeline commented 8 years ago

User Control Panel design is modified as in Admin Control Panel Page and committed the changes.Add Offline Hours Feature is added

thomastom99 commented 8 years ago

When login to user control panel page , it should display the work log summary , today, this week, this month on the Top if the Employee TimeTracking section is enabled in a Table with Heading on the Top Row and values on the row below in a user control worklog .

thomastom99 commented 8 years ago

On below that Add Offline Time.

thomastom99 commented 8 years ago

The idea is when user login to the control panel page from Mobile App.. He should see this summary.. I belive there is alsready a user Dashboard control which you can modify or add new user control if needed..

thomastom99 commented 8 years ago

Also when we navigate to User Control Panel Page .. It should display Dashboard setion.. : currenltly it is not displaying and in the Dashboard on the Top it should display the Weeklog Summary on the Top It will display like this workactivitycp

thomastom99 commented 8 years ago

Please not that this will get displayed only if Show Employee Activiy Reports is checked from http://localhost:59271/WstExMain/Administrator/Default/DefaultSettings.aspx in User ControlPanel Option Settings

nobeline commented 8 years ago

User control panel is modified by adding Work Log Summary. Feature for Offline Time is added below it,which it get displayed when Show Employee Activity Reports is checked from User Control Panel Option Settings.It displays Dashboard section when navigate to User Control Panel Page ..