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Route to Mobile CP Master Page #63

Open thomastom99 opened 8 years ago

thomastom99 commented 8 years ago

I was mentioning about these pages.. WCMobile.aspx UserCP.master MobilePage.master

MobileAdmin.master so when we give a login request form WCMobile.aspx it should set appropriate master page MobileAdmin.master or UserCP.master based on the user role right now WCMobile.aspx is routing correctly to different page with MobilePage.master page . Please see the code where we set the master page MobilePage.master . Just search MobilePage.master , you will get that.. but in the admin or user controlpanel page , we didnt set the mobile master page I belive.. I will post this in

thomastom99 commented 8 years ago

the code is here.. D:\SVN\WIP\WebCloudWIP\WstExMain\App_Code\BasePage.cs(92): Page.MasterPageFile = "~/Master/MobilePage.master";

thomastom99 commented 8 years ago

in a similar line you might need to implement for control panel pages too if not done to make it mobile compatible..