thomasvs / morituri

For those about to RIP - a Unix CD ripper preferring accuracy over speed
GNU General Public License v3.0
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gives up on rip after a bad track (should attempt the rest) #114

Open jmtd opened 9 years ago

jmtd commented 9 years ago

morituri just ripped 13/15 tracks of a CD, but it gave up on track 14 after a few tries. It never attempted track 15.

ArchangeGabriel commented 9 years ago

That’s part of the discussion in #113, don’t think those have to be separated issues.

stormwatch commented 9 years ago

113 is about logs, this is someting else.

mikehat commented 7 years ago

To demand perfection of the entire disc, why move anything from the working directory at all until full success is achieved. It's just random and rude to halt the rip on one bad track.

Best would be a command line option to abandon the track, like --ignore-track 7. This would ensure intent to ignore on the behalf of the user rather than some sort of blanket approval.

Sure, I'll rip the bad one with wine/EAC, but will get inferior meta tags and file naming, not to mention having to use a mouse. Yuck.

Rather than submit a pull request that'll never be accepted, here's the fix for those that are interested:

In the source directory, edit morituri/rip/ Look in the ripIfNotRipped function, look for

if tries == MAX_TRIES
    self.error( 'Giving up on track...

and change self.error to self.stdout.write. Something like:

    self.stdout.write( `Giving up on track %d after %d tries\n\n\n\nOMG A TRACK FAILED/n/n/n' %
        ( number , tries )

That should get your attention when one fails.

Do yourself another favor and look at the top of the file for MAX_TRIES=5 and change it to MAX_TRIES=2 so you can get back to work more quickly.

mikehat commented 7 years ago

My personal version has three added options: --max-tries, --rip-tracks and --ignore-tracks via simple modifications to morituri/rip/

If you're interested in a pull request, I'll put it together.

                    a comma-separated list of tracks to rip
                    a comma-separated list of tracks to ignore
                    max number of times to try ripping a single track (default 5)
Freso commented 7 years ago

The seems similar to (whipper is a somewhat actively developed fork of morituri). A PR is (more) likely to get accepted there.