thomersch / openstreetmap-calendar

osmcal, a Collaborative Calendar for OpenStreetMap-related Events
Apache License 2.0
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Add a flag logo for each event #46

Closed Binnette closed 3 years ago

Binnette commented 3 years ago

Hi, like in the wiki: image

Is it possible to add a country flag for each event? This is very useful, i can see instantly in which country the event take place.

EDIT: In fact, i don't really care about the country for an online event. Maybe you should consider adding a flag that indicate which language will be spoken during the event? What do you think?

Knowing the spoken language is highly important for online event. I don't want to attend an event in a language that I can non understand.

Have a nice day.

thomersch commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting. Countries, nation states and languages are a highly delicate topic and I don't want to do half-baked, possibly offensive changes to software:

Flags have a variety of problems, which mean that I will probably not integrate them. If we start to have hundreds of upcoming events, a language filter might start to be useful, but flags do not represent languages and all human interface guidelines I've come across explicitly forbid to do so.

Registering a language for an event is also highly problematic, since this is not clearly defined what is spoken at a place. Also, in some countries people are willing to adapt to speakers of other languages.

I understand your use case here, but I think that most people wouldn't use such a feature after all.

Binnette commented 3 years ago

I understand your use case here, but I think that most people wouldn't use such a feature after all.

At least me, i will 😅 Yes, cause i'm interested in joining events in French and English 😉

So i will need to read every line, one by one 😅

Have a nice day.

dieterdreist commented 2 years ago

clearly flags are not good to represent languages, but this is about events. Would you not want to know where the events are, more or less, without reading the whole wall of text? I would. Before they were there, and it worked for me (and possibly many others). You could not only add national flags, but any flag, like your city flag, this is not about nationalism, it is about usability.

danieldegroot2 commented 2 years ago


Regarding your idea; some users may

WeeklyOSM has a compact, custom layout with a clear "Country" label for the flags column(and seperate "location" column), whereas the website tries to provide a clean, basic interface.

It may be possible to add flags to the country filter list. See #25 - this would have to be resolved. Disputed areas may or may not be an issue (page on Wikipedia, OSM Wiki).

dieterdreist commented 2 years ago

thank you for taking the time to reply, from my point of view (user of the OpenStreetMap wiki and organizer of a recurring event) your project has changed improved usability in the backend (instead of copying the former event line of code, adjusting the date and repasting it, we now have a convenient process) in exchange for a wall of text in the presentation view rather than a wiki table with flags and horizontal separations.

The map is neither linked from the OpenStreetMap wiki, nor does it seem enabling to get overview information quick, (you‘d have to zoom and pan around a lot), this is to illustrate what I see:


this is how the „calendar“ now looks in the wiki:


danieldegroot2 commented 2 years ago

@dieterdreist For the wiki, could you let other wiki users know you'd like to reimplement icons via this wiki page, please?

danieldegroot2 commented 2 years ago

@dieterdreist I understand your issue and I'd like your feature suggestion to work for a large number of people where possible, as itself is a small project and general-purpose viewer from which others can make their own feeds and versions.

I'm not one of the \ Widgets developers or Wiki \ Weekly admins and I can't speak for them. Don't worry, this misinterpretation can happen. (I changed the first bit of text I wrote regarding the wiki to be more coherent, btw.)

dieterdreist commented 2 years ago

thank you. I have seen the weekly osm integration with the flags and think it is fine, much better than without the flags

dieterdreist commented 1 year ago

I think the wiki integration should really have the flags, it would catch so much more attention