thommcgrath / Beacon

An editor for the beacons in Ark: Survival Evolved
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Data not saving or publishing #313

Open cyberangel67 opened 2 weeks ago

cyberangel67 commented 2 weeks ago

I am really at my wits end with this and do not know what I am doing wrong.

I am trying to fix the data in my Mod that has been published and I have spent 2 hours and nothing has saved. I periodically saved it every 10 mins, because of the last bug I raised where if it is open too long it gets stuck in a save loop. Which was closed for some reason.

Anyway, here is what I did.

I replaced all the Blueprint paths with the correct paths, added the new blueprints, and then exported the data. I then tried to publish it and it failed. I then closed Beacon to reopen it back up, reimported the exported data and all the work I have done is gone.

Not only that, but it tells me the published data was last published in May, some 4 weeks ago.

What have I done wrong? Is my data lost again, do I need to actually start from scratch or what is the deal here?

cyberangel67 commented 2 weeks ago

If it helps, there is over 100 entries that should have exported here.


thommcgrath commented 2 weeks ago

I'm looking at the data published for your mod, but it seems to be published. Aside from the fact that most of the item paths are pointing to engram files, what kind of updates need to be made? If you'd like, you can attach the exported beacondata file here so I can take a closer look.

cyberangel67 commented 2 weeks ago

Yes that is the OLD data, that was published over 5 weeks ago.

I just spent 2 hours correcting all that. And not only has it not published, even though it says it has, but it tells me the last published date was 5 weeks ago.

And not only that, but I also exported this every 10mins, only to find it hasn't even exported correctly.

cyberangel67 commented 2 weeks ago


thommcgrath commented 2 weeks ago

Sit tight, I'm going to try to clean this up for you.

thommcgrath commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, here's what I've done. I had taken ownership of the mod for a bit and used a tool to extract data from the mod files on CurseForge. You've got a good data set in there now that I'd say is about 95% of the way to perfect. I'm not very familiar with the mod, so you may need to remove some items that don't really belong or maybe adjust some names. But the paths, unlock strings, point requirements, and recipes are all there.

I'm not going to pretend this wasn't a challenge, because (like you) I definitely found some problems with the process. The chief among them is that importing from a local mod into an official mod generates new UUIDs for everything, but is failing to update the recipe UUIDs accordingly. So items that reference other items in the mod end up breaking, and that's the issue you were running into. Things like the CS Tek Stove requiring the CS Industrial Grill were trying to reference the wrong object, despite looking correct in the editor. To make matters worse, Beacon is unable to find mod items in unsaved mods since they aren't actively in the database yet. This is a tough challenge to solve, but I've got some of a solution in a branch at the moment. I'm still working on getting it ready for production.

So anyway, I've found issues I need to work on in Beacon, and the data published for your mod is up to date. I've transferred ownership of the mod back over to you.

cyberangel67 commented 2 weeks ago

Wow that is beyond the call of Duty, however I cleaned up what I needed to. I am assuming there is nothing I can do, till you make the changes you need to make :)


thommcgrath commented 2 weeks ago

No, I wasn't expecting any more issues. What exactly did you change? I'm not seeing any error messages in my database logs either, so I can't really tell what is failing.

cyberangel67 commented 2 weeks ago

All I did was remove all the engrams that were not in the game as yet, and the recipes that should not be modied.

Selected all the BP's and pressed publish, and it failed. After typing this, I then just selected on BP and pressed publish and it published fine.

The one question as someone who really does not use this program, do I have to select the BP's to export and publish or just export?

It is confusing that there is nothing to say I need to do this, and I would expect an export to export the entire list I have there.

thommcgrath commented 2 weeks ago

If you have export selected, export will export everything. Otherwise it'll export what you have selected. Publish is more like a save operation, and it will always send all changes to the server.

cyberangel67 commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, well I have published again successfully so it might have been a one off.

As for the export, that is not very intuitive, but it explains why I had no local copy.