thompsonemerson / moeda

:moneybag: :chart_with_upwards_trend: A foreign exchange rates and currency conversion using CLI
MIT License
139 stars 21 forks source link

Internal server error #10

Closed kerimkaan closed 4 years ago

kerimkaan commented 5 years ago

Steps to reproduce

moeda 1 usd eur or sudo moeda 1 usd eur or moeda 1 usd

Expected behavior

Conversion on currencies

Actual behavior

Error: Internal server error.

System configuration

Node version: 10.10.0

npm version: 6.4.1

moeda version: 1.3.3

thompsonemerson commented 4 years ago

Hi, @kerimkaan. We just released a new version solving this and other issues. can you test for us?! greetings!