thompsonemerson / moeda

:moneybag: :chart_with_upwards_trend: A foreign exchange rates and currency conversion using CLI
MIT License
139 stars 21 forks source link

[REJECTED] Windows standalone binary #4

Closed sergeevabc closed 7 years ago

sergeevabc commented 7 years ago

Dear Emerson, Could you be so kind to generate .exe for the rest of us who use Windows only? I’m told that either Nexe or EnclosureJS might help you to achieve that.

thompsonemerson commented 7 years ago

Hi @sergeevabc, How are you? Thanks you for the idea.

sergeevabc commented 7 years ago

Current state of Moeda requires Node to be installed on host machine which is a dependency itself. Other CLI gems like sysinternals, ffmpeg, jdupes, wget, pandoc, sift could be run simply from USB stick. I believe it is relatively easy to generate standalone binary, right? Could you that, Emerson?

sergeevabc commented 7 years ago

Six months passed. Err… Hello?