thompsonemerson / moeda

:moneybag: :chart_with_upwards_trend: A foreign exchange rates and currency conversion using CLI
MIT License
139 stars 21 forks source link

Other sources of currency info(not only #5

Closed schvabodka-man closed 4 years ago

schvabodka-man commented 7 years ago

Hi there! Nice app you've coded but i've encountered one problem with it. simply not support some currencies(in fact currency list of it is barely small, in fact i live in Ukraine and simply don't have support for Ukrainian hryvnia, only rubles). It would be nice if you can implement some other sources of information. Like a google currencies for example. It has simple API that you could try to parse with some http tools and it has mostly every currency in world.

thompsonemerson commented 7 years ago

Hi @schvabodka-man, Thanks, I'll look the API so we can implement in the next versions. 🚀