thon-ju / bluetooth_print

a flutter plugin connect to bluetooth thermal printer support both Android and IOS (eg. Gprinter pt-380、gp-1324、gp-2120)
MIT License
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Application is getting crashed when connecting to the printer using bluetooth_print 4.3.0 Dependency in IOS but Working fine in android #179

Open ChinmayeePallavi opened 1 year ago

ChinmayeePallavi commented 1 year ago

"I attempted to establish a Bluetooth connection and initiate a print job, but encountered an uncaught exception that led to the application crashing, despite employing a try-catch method." Log : Assertion failure in -[CBCentralManager cancelPeripheralConnection:options:], CBCentralManager.m:664 Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid parameter not satisfying: peripheral != nil' *** First throw call stack: (0x180f33c60 0x19875fee4 0x1826d8c80 0x1a3d6f9c8 0x1a3d6fa80 0x102a41774 0x180bf4094 0x180b96bb8 0x180ba88dc 0x180ba0c90 0x180ba0994 0x180eef014 0x180eac4f8 0x180ebf174 0x1a19da988 0x1836c1a88 0x18345af78 0x102a1d35c 0x1035104d0) libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

RegisSaffi commented 1 year ago

Facing the same issue when I try to connect the printer on iOS, It works well on Android.

iOS version: [iOS 17.1.1]