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thoradia add on can not run in libreelec 9x #66

Closed wuypinfo closed 4 years ago

wuypinfo commented 4 years ago

thoradia add on can not run in libreelec 9x. Can you compile it again? or tell me how to compile transmission add on. downloand the source.tar, how to compile?

thoradia commented 4 years ago

Add-ons for LibreELEC 9.1 will be updated soon

thoradia commented 4 years ago

I have rebuilt add-ons for LibreELEC 9.1 (ADDON_VERSION=9.80.1) for Generic, RPi2 and RPi4 They are pre-alpha, expect breakage

wuypinfo commented 4 years ago

thank you ,but my tv box is Amlogic S905D. I test it.

thoradia commented 4 years ago

Try to install this and let me know if it runs

wuypinfo commented 4 years ago

very good, the software can work at my tv box(S905D+libreelec+18.3kodi+5.2.1kernel),thank you.

thoradia commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the feedback @wuypinfo

Could you please provide me with the output of more /usr/share/kodi/addons/

With this information I can update Thoradia Add-ons repository for Amlogic to use the add-ons for RPi2

wuypinfo commented 4 years ago

see attached. I compile the rom from when kernel is 5.2.1,and now 150balbes up kernel to 5.3.x

thank you again. very nice add on.

thoradia commented 4 years ago

This repository should enable to install/update add-ons on Amlogic devices

If it works for you I will merge the changes

wuypinfo commented 4 years ago

It can be installed and requirt kodi restart. but it can not download. It say: Could not connect to repository. and at same time, other add on can be down, such as weather.

thoradia commented 4 years ago

ADDON_VERSION is 9.80.0 at 150balbes and 9.80.1 at LibreELEC I will try to find an easy workaround

marpemim commented 4 years ago

I have installed the repo in coreelec but i try to open the repo to install addon and it show can not connect to the repo, why?

thoradia commented 4 years ago

@marpemim Please do not

See #67