thorpelawrence / alexa-spotify-connect

Control Spotify Connect devices with Alexa
MIT License
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I have linked my Spotify account but the skill doesn't recognize it #57

Closed gperezcarellan closed 4 years ago

gperezcarellan commented 4 years ago

Hi, after I have deployed the webapp, I try to use it on my Echo device and it keeps telling me that I have not linked my Spotify account but I have. What could be the problem? I tried to unlink and link my Spotify account twice but nothing seems to change. In my Spotify account I can see Amazon Alexa as an approved application. I can use Spotify without using this skill so I guess it is well-connected?

Btw, I have another doubt: when I deploy this app to heroku using github, it gives me build error because I have two lock files (yarn.lock and package-lock.json and yarn.lock... As far as I understand yarn.lock is just used to run the test so if I delete it, should I have any problem?

Thank you in advance!!

thorpelawrence commented 4 years ago

Hi there,

It might be an issue with it trying to connect to my version instead of yours if you are hosting it yourself, I would double check that whatever URLs entered in the Spotify dev account are correctly pointing to yours if you are self hosting

I build this package with yarn instead of npm so it might be that running npm install creates the additional file which heroku does not like, so you might be able to delete the yarn.lock file if you are using npm instead of yarn, although I have not tested it

gperezcarellan commented 4 years ago

Hi, I finally ended up building the package with yarn too. I also checked the Spotify URLs and I noticed they weren't pointing to my skill's redirect URLs, big fail, but it still doesn't work. I have also rechecked the 6-steps to deploy the skill and I don't see anything wrong... About the version issue, what could I do to fix it? Thank you for your help, I appreciate it.

Edit: I have just tried to use your skill and I get the same error: I have not linked my Spotify account.

2nd edit: I solved it re-linking but this time from my mobile device where I have installed Alexa App instead from the amazon skill market. Thanks for your help.