thorrak / brewpi-esp8266

An implementation of the BrewPi device code on the ESP8266, ESP32, and ESP32-S2
GNU General Public License v3.0
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solderfree lolind32 control mode wont turn on #102

Closed bsaurusrex closed 8 months ago

bsaurusrex commented 8 months ago

Hello, I have a lolin d32 with a kasa switch assigned, DS18b20 assigned to chamber temp, tilt assigned to beer temp. For some reason I cant get control mode to turn on. If I set fridge temp or set beer temp, nothing happens.

thorrak commented 8 months ago

On the device’s configuration portal, do you see any warnings at the top about missing functionality?

Is the Kasa switch assigned to heat or cool?

bsaurusrex commented 8 months ago

No heat switch/relay is selected - temperature control will be cooling only.

This is the only error.image

thorrak commented 8 months ago

Weird. Does the LCD display show both temps (the beer and the 'fridge')? What does it display when you try to set a fridge temp constant that is below the current temp (and therefore should toggle cooling)?

bsaurusrex commented 8 months ago

Yup, I'm setting 0-5c and when I set mode the page just refreshes.


thorrak commented 8 months ago

Ahhh. I'm assuming that if you give it a few seconds to a minute, the "Control Mode" doesn't change from "Off"?

mp-se commented 8 months ago

Ive just updated my controller to s2 chips and i could not start them via the web ui, worked fine via fermentrack but i guess thats the serial interface. How do i get the logs out from the device? Any web serial or use the tx/rx pins?

thorrak commented 8 months ago

@mp-se It’s almost guaranteed to be an issue with the web UI. If you check the JavaScript log on a desktop you should be able to see the error.

mp-se commented 8 months ago

There is nothing in the developer console for javascript so no clues there. When I look in the network history there is only a lot of http get to the /lcd and /all_temp_control endpoints, should there not be a post for the temp control when setting the temperature ?

thorrak commented 8 months ago

There definitely should be. I remember an issue that I thought I fixed regarding that in the UI codebase, but I may not have recompiled that into the released firmware. I’m traveling until Friday, but should be able to diagnose and fix then.

mp-se commented 8 months ago

Ok, I flashed the 15c wifi via brewflasher

bsaurusrex commented 8 months ago

Confirmed fermentrack is able to control it without issue.

mp-se commented 8 months ago

I tried the v16 branch as well. same issue.

thorrak commented 8 months ago

Yeah -- the v16 branch has a v16 UI that is itself on a separate branch that hasn't yet been compiled/dropped into the v16 repo, so the UI you're seeing is almost certainly the same as the one currently released. If it's a UI bug (which I'm almost certain it is, as I think I caught & fixed it in the v16 UI) then I should be able to fix it, recompile the UI gzip files, and build a new release of the SPIFFS partition for v15. I'll get a release going as soon as we get back home.

thorrak commented 8 months ago

The UI repo is now updated for the v15 UI -- I'll build/test once we're back.

thorrak commented 8 months ago

v15d has been released which should fix this.