thorrak / brewpi-esp8266

An implementation of the BrewPi device code on the ESP8266, ESP32, and ESP32-S2
GNU General Public License v3.0
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TPLink scanner does not detect devices defined by `type` #104

Closed ChuckGl closed 8 months ago

ChuckGl commented 8 months ago

Just did an install of vv15c Wifi TFT on a lolin d32 pro. the brewpi gets on the network and I can access the webpage. I have two TP-Link HS100 plugs that are on the network and reporting back when I run "kasa --type plug" from my Pi. I do not see the plugs on in brewpi. I tried both vv15c and vv15c-beta6. I am also unable to set the control mode. Not sure if I should be able with no actuators set.

thorrak commented 8 months ago

The control mode bug is a known one that I need to push a release out to fix. Very soon, day job permitting.

I’ll need to figure out the next steps for debugging when I am home and have access to a network with devices I can use to test.

In the mean time, out of curiousity, what country are you in? The US? I ask, as I think some countries have restricted devices.

ChuckGl commented 8 months ago

I am in Germany. I can say I have used the HS100 plugs with several other projects. Those are all on RPI, python based, and all use some method to directly interact with the plug. The most recent one uses python-kasa to poll and control the plugs.

thorrak commented 8 months ago

The UK is the one that I knew of which had separate concerns/requirements. When you scan with python-kasa, what model gets reported back? For me, for example, the HS103(US) in this part of the string:

== Office Light Bar - HS103(US) ==

thorrak commented 8 months ago

Additionally, when you run kasa --host sysinfo (replacing the IP address with the device you are trying to use), what do you see next to 'mic_type':? Do you see IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH?

ChuckGl commented 8 months ago

Here is the output from both commands:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ kasa No host name given, trying discovery.. Discovering devices on for 3 seconds == PGPIO_3 - HS100(EU) == Host: Device state: False == Generic information == Time: 2023-11-07 07:05:54 (tz: {'err_code': 0, 'index': 41, 'zone_str': '(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna', 'tz_str': 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3', 'dst_offset': 60} Hardware: 1.0 Software: 1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.115547 MAC (rssi): B0:4E:26:64:2B:9A (-44) Locations: {'latitude': x, 'longitude': y}

    == Device specific information ==
    LED state: True
    On since: None

    == Modules ==
    + <Module Schedule (schedule) for>
    + <Module Usage (schedule) for>
    + <Module Antitheft (anti_theft) for>
    + <Module Time (time) for>
    + <Module Cloud (cnCloud) for>

== PGPIO_2 - HS100(EU) == Host: Device state: False == Generic information == Time: 2023-11-07 07:05:53 (tz: {'index': 41, 'err_code': 0} Hardware: 2.0 Software: 1.5.6 Build 191125 Rel.083657 MAC (rssi): AC:84:C6:59:DF:D9 (-34) Location: {'latitude': x, 'longitude': y}

    == Device specific information ==
    LED state: True
    On since: None

    == Modules ==
    + <Module Schedule (schedule) for>
    + <Module Usage (schedule) for>
    + <Module Antitheft (anti_theft) for>
    + <Module Time (time) for>
    + <Module Cloud (cnCloud) for>

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ kasa --host sysinfo No --type defined, discovering.. == System info == {'active_mode': 'none', 'alias': 'PGPIO_3', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug', 'deviceId': '8006E117E7C0D34F5FB1ECF2857998231986A0D3', 'err_code': 0, 'feature': 'TIM', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'hwId': '22603EA5E716DEAEA6642A30BE87AFCA', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'icon_hash': '', 'latitude': x, 'led_off': 0, 'longitude': y, 'mac': 'B0:4E:26:64:2B:9A', 'model': 'HS100(EU)', 'oemId': '812A90EB2FCF306A993FAD8748024B07', 'on_time': 0, 'relay_state': 0, 'rssi': -40, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.115547', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'updating': 0} pi@raspberrypi:~ $

thorrak commented 8 months ago

Thank you - this is perfect! I see the exact problem. Your switch reports its type in the type field rather than mic_type which means it fails the checks on these two lines:

The solution is just to check for either type or mic_type which is what it appears Python-kasa now does:

I’ll try to get this done tonight, along with merging in the UI fix for mode changes.

thorrak commented 8 months ago

v15d has been released which should fix this.

ChuckGl commented 8 months ago

No luck. Updated to BrewPi-ESP32 - vv15d WiFi TFT on the Lolin D32 Pro this morning. I also pulled out a H110 (EU) I have to check it. The BrewPi is still only reporting Pin 25, 26, 34. Part of other cleanup work I put a fresh Raspbian Bullseye and python-kasa on. It is seeing all three Kasa with no changes to system beyond apt upgrade. Let me know if there is anything I can pull or do to assist. I gather you are in the US so direct testing with an EU model is out for you. Here is the kasa output from all three units.

`root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# kasa No host name given, trying discovery.. Discovering devices on for 3 seconds == PGPIO_3 - HS100(EU) == Host: Port: 9999 Device state: False == Generic information == Time: 2023-11-08 08:01:31 (tz: {'err_code': 0, 'index': 41, 'zone_str': '(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna', 'tz_str': 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3', 'dst_offset': 60} Hardware: 1.0 Software: 1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.115547 MAC (rssi): B0:4E:26:64:2B:9A (-41) Location: {'latitude': 50.083824, 'longitude': 8.240237}

    == Device specific information ==
    LED state: True
    On since: None

    == Modules ==
    + <Module Schedule (schedule) for>
    + <Module Usage (schedule) for>
    + <Module Antitheft (anti_theft) for>
    + <Module Time (time) for>
    + <Module Cloud (cnCloud) for>

== PGPIO_2 - HS100(EU) == Host: Port: 9999 Device state: False == Generic information == Time: 2023-11-08 08:01:30 (tz: {'index': 41, 'err_code': 0} Hardware: 2.0 Software: 1.5.6 Build 191125 Rel.083657 MAC (rssi): AC:84:C6:59:DF:D9 (-32) Location: {'latitude': 50.0838, 'longitude': 8.2402}

    == Device specific information ==
    LED state: True
    On since: None

    == Modules ==
    + <Module Schedule (schedule) for>
    + <Module Usage (schedule) for>
    + <Module Antitheft (anti_theft) for>
    + <Module Time (time) for>
    + <Module Cloud (cnCloud) for>

== PGPIO_1 - HS110(EU) == Host: Port: 9999 Device state: False == Generic information == Time: 2023-11-08 08:01:31 (tz: {'index': 41, 'err_code': 0} Hardware: 2.0 Software: 1.5.6 Build 191125 Rel.083657 MAC (rssi): AC:84:C6:5D:99:74 (-49) Location: {'latitude': 50.0838, 'longitude': 8.2402}

    == Device specific information ==
    LED state: True
    On since: None

    == Current State ==
    <EmeterStatus power=0.0 voltage=224.551 current=0.025 total=0.001>

    == Modules ==
    + <Module Schedule (schedule) for>
    + <Module Usage (schedule) for>
    + <Module Antitheft (anti_theft) for>
    + <Module Time (time) for>
    + <Module Cloud (cnCloud) for>
    + <Module Emeter (emeter) for>

Found 3 devices root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# kasa --host sysinfo No --type defined, discovering.. == System info == {'active_mode': 'none', 'alias': 'PGPIO_3', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug', 'deviceId': '8006E117E7C0D34F5FB1ECF2857998231986A0D3', 'err_code': 0, 'feature': 'TIM', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'hwId': '22603EA5E716DEAEA6642A30BE87AFCA', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'icon_hash': '', 'latitude': 50.083824, 'led_off': 0, 'longitude': 8.240237, 'mac': 'B0:4E:26:64:2B:9A', 'model': 'HS100(EU)', 'oemId': '812A90EB2FCF306A993FAD8748024B07', 'on_time': 0, 'relay_state': 0, 'rssi': -39, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.115547', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'updating': 0} root@raspberrypi:/home/toulouse# kasa --host sysinfo No --type defined, discovering.. == System info == {'active_mode': 'none', 'alias': 'PGPIO_2', 'dev_name': 'Smart Wi-Fi Plug', 'deviceId': '8006B86064848C531F04E1ED80B678E21A053CB2', 'err_code': 0, 'feature': 'TIM', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'hwId': 'A8D378F10FACF73C85F72B445B654AB1', 'hw_ver': '2.0', 'icon_hash': '', 'latitude_i': 500838, 'led_off': 0, 'longitude_i': 82402, 'mac': 'AC:84:C6:59:DF:D9', 'model': 'HS100(EU)', 'next_action': {'type': -1}, 'oemId': '0CC41572446631ACD46A8EDFC8942AE1', 'on_time': 0, 'relay_state': 0, 'rssi': -32, 'sw_ver': '1.5.6 Build 191125 Rel.083657', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'updating': 0} root@raspberrypi:/home/toulouse# kasa --host sysinfo No --type defined, discovering.. == System info == {'active_mode': 'none', 'alias': 'PGPIO_1', 'dev_name': 'Smart Wi-Fi Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'deviceId': '8006694BD2D4D2CEFF7B881C4FA6ECBC1A07E50B', 'err_code': 0, 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'hwId': '044A516EE63C875F9458DA25C2CCC5A0', 'hw_ver': '2.0', 'icon_hash': '', 'latitude_i': 500838, 'led_off': 0, 'longitude_i': 82402, 'mac': 'AC:84:C6:5D:99:74', 'model': 'HS110(EU)', 'next_action': {'type': -1}, 'oemId': '1998A14DAA86E4E001FD7CAF42868B5E', 'on_time': 0, 'relay_state': 0, 'rssi': -45, 'sw_ver': '1.5.6 Build 191125 Rel.083657', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'updating': 0}`

thorrak commented 8 months ago

Doh! My fault. I tested the wrong branch of code yesterday - the v15d release had some logical issues that prevented it from working.

I just re-released a new v15d. When you have a moment, do you mind installing this new version and letting me know if it works for you?

ChuckGl commented 8 months ago

Yep I can see them now. I will try and do further testing later, but wanted to get you feedback right away.