thorrak / brewpi-esp8266

An implementation of the BrewPi device code on the ESP8266, ESP32, and ESP32-S2
GNU General Public License v3.0
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no WIFI setup possible #75

Closed bitzebraeu closed 1 year ago

bitzebraeu commented 1 year ago

Hi brewers, I've been trying to setup my ESP8366 board several times now. Flashing the firmware works fine. I've been chosing the WIFI variant that appears on top of the list of versions you can chose from. Afterwards I can see the "ESP_........" network in my network selector. I connect, go to some webpage, my browser tries to connect to and from then on nothing ever happens... I see some had trouble with WIFI connections before, however I could not find any similar case. Who can help? Thanks! Patrick

thorrak commented 1 year ago

Which specific controller are you using? Which version of the firmware did you flash?

bitzebraeu commented 1 year ago

It is the NodeMCU ESP8266. I flashed NodeMCU(E-12).

bitzebraeu commented 1 year ago

my apologies: firmware = ESP8266-WIFI version 0.11

thorrak commented 1 year ago

Do you have a link to the specific controller? I ask, because there’s a huge number of models floating around out there that use that branding, unfortunately.

bitzebraeu commented 1 year ago

sorry, this page is in German:

For setting it up I've been using it without the base kit.

thorrak commented 1 year ago

Try flashing the WiFi Reset & Sensor Wiring Test firmware. It's located under Other > ESP8266 in BrewFlasher, or available here on BrewFlasher Web.

Once you've run the test (or if you don't have a display connected, once you've flashed it, reset the device, and waited about two minutes) then re-flash the BrewPi-ESP8266 firmware and see if it works then.

One of the things the "test" firmware does is reset the controller to a consistent state which may help to correct any potential issues with the WiFi. Alternatively, you can also try the 0.14 beta version of the firmware, which has updated WiFi manager libraries.

bitzebraeu commented 1 year ago

I explain step by step what I did:

bitzebraeu commented 1 year ago

after flashing the 0.14 version, the WIFI in my list is called "BrewPiAP" and requires a password. Which is it?

bitzebraeu commented 1 year ago

I repeated the process about 5 times, did not change anything. Suddenly works. (v0.11)

thorrak commented 1 year ago

Weird. Well - if you ever want to use the v14 firmware, the ap password is “brewpiesp”

bitzebraeu commented 1 year ago

Apart from the sp I guessed quite right :-) I'll give it a try once all is up and running..