thorrak / brewpi-esp8266

An implementation of the BrewPi device code on the ESP8266, ESP32, and ESP32-S2
GNU General Public License v3.0
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solderless - cant add kasa to actuator #98

Closed bsaurusrex closed 8 months ago

bsaurusrex commented 10 months ago

Hello, I just flashed a new lolin d32 with v15b wifi tft version and am trying to add a kasa kp105 as a cooling actuator but am receiving the following error:

Update Failed
Unable to connect to the controller or the update was rejected. Please check the information provided and reattempt to update.

I tried rebooting both devices without any improvement.

bsaurusrex commented 10 months ago

I was able to tag my tilt as the beer temp sensor successfully. Just the kasa switch wont assign.

thorrak commented 10 months ago

The KP105 isn’t one of the devices I’ve tested against, and isn’t a device I currently support — but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be supported necessarily!

If you have a computer with Python on it (a raspberry pi counts) do you mind running the following commands and seeing if this detects the switch:

pip install --upgrade python-kasa
kasa --type plug

…and seeing what it says? It will contain information like your location, so don’t paste the full result here, but what I want to know is if it detects the plug that you have. If it does, then try running the following and see if that switches the device on and off (note - either don’t plug something in to the Kasa when doing this and listen for the “click” or plug something that can tolerate being turned on and off (meaning a lamp, not a fridge!)):

kasa --type plug --host 192.168.X.X on
kasa --type plug --host 192.168.X.X off

Replace 192.168.X.X with the IP address listed for the plug in the earlier command.

If it doesn’t detect your plug then make sure the Pi and the Kasa device are on the same network.

Edit: My phone replaced all double-dashes with em-dashes.

bsaurusrex commented 10 months ago
kasa --type plug
No host name given, trying discovery..
Discovering devices on for 3 seconds

Doesnt return anything.

Adding the IP work fine though.

kasa --type plug --host
== brewpikasa - KP105(UK) ==
    Port: None
    Device state: True
    == Generic information ==
    Time:         2023-09-06 20:22:24 (tz: {'index': xxxx, 'err_code': 0}
    Hardware:     2.0
    Software:     1.0.0 Build 210118 Rel.165921
    MAC (rssi):   30:DE:xxxxxxx (-51)
    Location:     xxxxxxxxxxxx

    == Device specific information ==
    LED state: True
    On since: 2023-09-06 12:03:55

    == Modules ==
    + <Module Schedule (schedule) for>
    + <Module Usage (schedule) for>
    + <Module Antitheft (anti_theft) for>
    + <Module Time (time) for>
    + <Module Cloud (cnCloud) for>

On and off commands work ok.

Inside brewpi, it is discovering it as a TPLink Switch type and the mac address.

thorrak commented 10 months ago

That's good news! Definitely supportable, then, and the issue has to be something that is in BrewPi-ESP. If you use Google Chrome, do you mind attempting to assign the sensor once again, and copying/pasting the payload/response from Google Chrome's developer tools so that I can see exactly what is being sent to/received from the controller?

To do this, you will need to do the following:

  1. Open up Chrome & navigate to the "Set Up Sensors/Actuators" page
  2. MacOS: Go to the View menu > Developer > Developer Tools. Windows: Click the "Three Dots" menu next to your profile name > More tools > Developer tools.
  3. Click the "Network" tab on the "Developer Tool" pane
  4. Attempt to assign the sensor
  5. Wait for the "failure" message to pop up
  6. Click on the "devices/" network call in the "Developer Tool" pane that was created when you assigned the sensor
  7. Copy the "Payload" and "Response" sub-pane contents and paste them here

Here's a 36 second video of the process on MacOS:

bsaurusrex commented 10 months ago


{"message":"Unable to process update"}

thorrak commented 10 months ago

I just pushed out what I think should fix this issue as "v15c-beta1" in BrewFlasher. If you can take a look and let me know if that works, I would appreciate it!

bsaurusrex commented 10 months ago

Thanks, I believe that worked as I heard a click when adding the Kasa device to the esp32.

thorrak commented 10 months ago

Perfect! Reopening for now until I can get this merged into master, but for anyone who has the same issue, try out v15c.

thorrak commented 8 months ago

v15d has been released which should fix this.